Stopping my Caique from flying across the roam


New member
Jan 21, 2024
Appa the Caique
four days ago I got my new five year old Caique: Appa. I took him from his previous owner who found out she had two males, and the past few days we've been getting used to each other. He seems increasingly comfortable around me and the environment, and he's at the point where he's starting to navigate the environment with a lot more bravado than before. When I take him out of his cage he steps up naturally but tends to immediately climb to my shoulder and not soon after gets tendencies to jump or fly to other parts of the room, making it hard to get him back on my body or into his cage. My apartment is single-room (the only doors are to the bathroom and a small storage) and has a direct access to the kitchen, bed, desk and other places I don't want him to be around, so I'm not comfortable having him roam freely like that especially considering how hard it is to get him back onto me when he does leave.

In the morning or evening I can keep him on my hand for a good while by using my other hand to block the way or nudge him back, which I do when I notice he wants to starts flying or climbing. These are precious moments that are great for both of us. However, during parts of the day where he's more energetic such as the afternoon he might get nippy and bite my hand if I try to block him, and is hard to restrict in his flying or climbing. These are also the parts of the day where he tends to yell out for attention more than usual, and in general during afternoons he can be quite intense when asking for attention or out-of-cage-time (no screaming, luckily, but just a lot of loud and sharp whistles). I try to take him out at least three times per day (morning, early afternoon, late afternoon), each for at least 30 minutes, but sometimes I can't help but have to put him back because he bites me or misbehaves.

If he's more willing to stick to me or the cage I don't mind he explores occasionally, and it would make things a lot easier as far as out of cage time goes. I think it's a lot better for both of us if he gets more out of cage time, but as long as I have to worry about him being impossible to get back or him going places he shouldn't I'm less and less comfortable giving him his time. How can I motivate him to stick to (or return to) my body or the cage more during out of cage time?

EDIT/NOTE: I try using small pieces of walnut to reward good behaviour such as returning to my hand, but he'll only have about two of these during each out-of-cage time before he loses interest in food or snacks, after which I struggle to find something to motivate him.
Teaching a bird not to fly to certain parts of the room is sort of like putting a fish in a big tank and trying to teach them that they can only swim in half of it. Trimming wings would not help as birds are perfectly capable of walking or climbing where they want to go ( and then you have a bird underfoot). Birds also need lots of exercise so keeping him in his cage is not a good option and will lead to behavioral issues ( as you are already starting to see).
Your situation is a bit challenging but I have two suggestions that hopefully can help.
1: make the area of the room where you want your bird to stay as fun as possible. Have hanging perches, toys, bird trees, play stands, foraging toys etc. This will help him WANT to stay in that area.
2: you are going to have to share your apartment with this bird, so decide the areas where you MOST want the bird to stay away from ( the kitchen most likely) and use a visual barrier to discourage the bird from entering that area. This might sound silly, but something like crepe paper streamers hanging down from the ceiling in front of the off- limit space might be enough to discourage your bird from that area.
Be patient with your bird; it takes time to build trust. I hope you are just at the beginning of a great relationship with your bird! ❤️

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