sun conue

  1. L

    Got a sun conure yesterday, is this normal?

    Got a sun conure yesterday, I’m letting her adjust to the new environment so I was expecting her to not be screaming or eating but she’s doing both, really happy she’s eating but i’m worried the screaming and hanging from one foot from the top of the cage means something is wrong, is this normal?
  2. S

    Online antibiotics?

    My bird (sun conure) has been showing some signs of respiratory issues (weird noise when he breaths) and is now having watery stools, i am unble to take him to the vet right now is there any broad antibiotics i can buy online that is safe and can help him?
  3. A

    Change in sun conure behavior

    Our family’s sun conure is 1 year and will turn 2 years old in October 2023. He was really my dads bird. My dad took the time to train him to step up, turn around, fly over. We all fed our bird and played with him. Cuddle with our bird on our neck, give him kisses, scratch our fingers on his...
  4. Happyandzaza

    Is this sun or jenday conure?

    I recently brought a new pet bird, he is so cute and I really like him, but some ppl say he is a jenday and where I bought him they said is a sun conure, what you think? This a 5, 6 months old conure maybe less??
  5. TeekoGreenCheek

    Teeko says hello everyone.

    Since Teeko and i have joined this site our friendship has grown way stronger. you are all such amazing people. thank you everyone for your help, all the things i have learned is all thanks to you. Sincerely Teeko and Dakota.
  6. parme

    Nika has found a new home. Thank you Grayway!!

    Here is my story, please don't judge. My son, an adult who is bipolar and lives with me, purchased 2 Sun Conures just over a year ago. Although I did not want them, I immediately bonded with one of them. He bonded with the other. I immediately transferred the money ($900) into his bank account...
  7. M

    Sun conure bald near tip of eye

    He is about 10 months old now. He has been very healthy and lively since he was brought home, and he is still the same now, but he has always had a bad habit of scratching his face with his hands. In the feathering stage, the underside and sides of the two eyes are slightly convex. Compared with...
  8. A

    Multiple Conure pairs

    Hi, I have an Avery and am wanting to buy a pair of sun conures and Green cheek conures and put them in it together and am just wondering if the birds will be okay with each other. Thanks
  9. D

    Heartly welcome to My new Chick

    Hi All, I'm entirely new to this portal. I have a few queries related to my Sun conure chick. can someone please help me to clarify those. 1. How old is my Sun Conure Chick? 2. How many days need to hand-feed to self eat fruits.? 3. can anyone share the growth curve of Sun conure chick for...
  10. Artee

    Sun Conure Laying down Acting weird. WORRIED!

    I brought Artee my 3 month old (hand-raised) "pied" sun conure from a local breeder, about 1 month ago. he settled in fine once we got him a new cage and put him in my room with me with plenty of windows and air and sunlight. Everything has been going great, then this morning.. he was his...
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