Change in sun conure behavior


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Aug 29, 2023
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Sun conure
Our family’s sun conure is 1 year and will turn 2 years old in October 2023. He was really my dads bird. My dad took the time to train him to step up, turn around, fly over. We all fed our bird and played with him. Cuddle with our bird on our neck, give him kisses, scratch our fingers on his feathers.

He’s an attention seeking bird and likes to fly around and hang on our shoulders/hands a lot.

My dad passed away in May. So the training stopped. Then we moved to a new house in August. His behavior has changed so much. He bites us, doesn’t want to step up, doesn’t want to cuddle, and is constantly screeching! It doesn’t stop. It’s hard to have phone calls or people over. Sun conure used to only really screech in the morning because he wanted food and to be let out or around 5pm for his second meal but then he would stop.

I don’t know what to do.
I’m so sorry for the loss of your dad, for both you and your bird. It sounds like there have been a lot of changes and the poor guy is surely grieving as well. Did this behavior start in May or when you moved to the new house? I know you mentioned you all used to interact with him - have you had positive interactions with him since your dad’s passing?
Also to consider is that he is likely well into his puberty, that blast of hormones changing the bird into an adult. Even though classically it lasts 3 - 6 months, you will learn that with parrots saying something is the average means there are always outliers. So be patient, don't reenforce bad behavior and remember - This Too Shall Pass !

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