60 degrees today so.....

What a beautiful boy he is!! :D

By the way totally jealous of your weather, it is "wicked" cold as they say here in New England.
The forecast is threatening 80 degrees next week... I'm NOT bragging. Ugh!! Time to take the tarp off the a/c unit again!
Mango is so handsome and looks like he's enjoying the sunshine! It's in the fifties here.
So gorgeous, I love how vibrant and green he is... and what a happy face! I'd love to take my birds outside, but being in Saskatchewan and all where it's quite cold, I don't think it'll be happening anytime soon. Warm car rides will suffice for now :)
Mango is looking beautiful, Craig! And like Laura, I'm quite envious of your weather. It'll be another few months yet before I can try taking Bixby and Maya outside!
Beautiful! It was in the 60s here, I opened windows and Buddy was loving it, getting some sun. What size harness do you use for Mango?
They love a bit of sunshine don't they? Wasn't quite warm enough for mine to go out, but my zon is asking " out side out side"...Have to tell the poor girl it's a bit too cold.
Speaking of Harnesses, ( I have never used one on my parrots, used jesse on my Hawks and falcons however), but curious as to how to approach the issue with the parrots...and how they handle it. My parrots spend a couple hours a day in spring and summer outside, they aren't clipped, but never have flown far. But there is always a risk. So, I am considering one for my grey. My Zons and Senegal never fly when in yard. My Grey has circled the property a few times and came back to perch.

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