A hopefully temporary visitor


Active member
Mar 9, 2013
Rockhampton, Qld, Australia
Bundiibird - Alex - hatched 31/08/09
& Millie - BFA - hatched 29/10/14 & Willow - CAG - hatched 30/10/19
So this morning at work my boss was on the phone outside when she came across a cockatiel. He walked straight up to her and started nibbling on her hand. I went looking for my boss to ask something and she is like what do we do with him. Our workplace is on a major train line and a very busy street. We picked him up and took him inside. He spent the day at work with us in a temporary cage.

My boss has no bird experience so she has asked if I will care for him until, hopefully we can locate his owner. She had offered to help pay for a cage, toys etc. We have put it all over facebook on the lost and found pets
websites, notified the local vets etc. I hope to get some flyers done up tomorrow and put them out in the Area.

He is a special little guy who has some kind of deformity with his right foot. He has 3 talons pointing forward instead of just the two. It does not seem to affect him in any way. He us a very skilled flyer and such a cutie. We have nicked named him Dennis as we found him on Denison street.

You know, Amanda, I just HAVE to know....do you always keep 'spare' cages in your work place, you know, JUST in case? :D HAHAHAHAH!!!!

He's a cute looking tiel, looking quite alert and actually happy to have been found. :)

Good luck in locating his owner. I have zero doubt he's in THE most capable and loving hands. :D
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You know Wendy, we have a pet store 2 mins up the road from work so I birdie sat while my boss went to the shop. The cage they let her buy was SO tiny but it served its purpose. I will take a picture of it in the morning. It's nearly bed time here in Oz. :D

He seems really happy. He's eating, drinking and generally being a chatterbox. :) I think he is glad for the security. It does not seem that he's been it in the "wild" for too long. He still seems quite healthy and his weight seems ok. I am going to try to weigh him tomorrow and give him some fresh veggies.

There was not a lot of time this afternoon. After having to rebuild the cage that hubby only dismantled about a week ago. It was the cage that Millie was first in because her new mansion did not arrive here until 3 weeks after we picked her up.

I have him quarantined in the back bedroom away from the girls.

Thanks for the lovely comments. I just hope I can do the little dude some good until we find the owners. :)
Awww... I hope you find his owners soon! With that kind of well behaved birdie, someone has to be looking for him.
Amanda, I'm so glad your boss found the little guy, sounds like he chose a dangerous place for his adventure. He couldn't have found anyone better to help him. I hope you are able to find his family. He's a real cutie and sounds like a sweetheart.
A lady at work had a yellow cockatiel fly into her yard and walk right up her arm and sit on her shoulder. She gave the bird to me and this cockatiel had to be the gentlest bird I have ever had. We couldn't find the owner. I hope you have more success than we did but then again maybe you just got another bird.
He looks to be an older bird to. glad you found him
They say in my country "Nothing is as lasting as temporary". :D So you might just have to keep him. One extra tiel is not a problem IMHO. :)

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