A list of questions....


New member
Jul 18, 2015
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Saratoga Springs NY
Gollum - Senegal
Hatch Day- 5/8/15 &

Dobby- Indian Ringneck
Hatch Day- 7/16/15
I did not want to open a thread for every question, so I kinda saved them up :D

When you say THOROUGH weekly cage cleaning.... what do you mean exactly? I wipe the grate daily where the food or poop my hit it. Change the bottom and wipe down the pull out poop tray. If I see a perch or toy with poop, I take it out and wash it.
Is there something else I should be doing on a weekly basis that is a deeper clean or something? These cages are huge, its not like I can put it in the bathtub and wash it really well. I was just wondering if I am missing something.

Peanut butter and honey okay? Giving Gollum a piece of my crust from my peanut butter and honey toast sandwiches. She licks off the peanut butter and honey and shreds the bread. I just wanted to make sure (now that I have given it to her a couple times) that it was not harmful in really small amounts.

Senegals are NOT the powder down birds, right? Does that make a difference on how often she should be bathed? I put her in the shower with me yesterday and soaked her. She did not care for it but tolerated it (meaning she did not show fear or aggression). Would getting her soaked everyday to every other day be too much? I do not want to dry her skin out.

What are some things that people do that encourage the mate bond with their bird? When I watched that show on netflix the rescue woman that was caring for the African Grey said she plays those games to interact but not allow him to create the mate bond he is trying to create with her. I am asking because of course I want to bond to my bird but are there things I should avoid doing that would give her that mate idea? Or is that just inevitable because of the amount of time we spend together?
Deep weekly cleaning is usually referring to sanitization. Steam clean, bleach solution, vinegar solution. Steam cleaning is recommended over the other 2 because it is a safer zero chemical option.

Can't help you much with the Senegal specifics, but from what I understand lower body contact stimulates mating behaviour in virtually all parrots. Above the rump, wings, under wings, and lower abdominal contact should be kept at a minimum. Also having other people handle the bird would be beneficial. Again I am not familiar with Senegal's, but this is the advice I've gathered from other species of parrots.
Solo well answered two of your question, so I will address the remaining two.

Peanut butter should be considered a special treat provide occasionally. Honey is a natural form of sugar and as the amount provided increases so does the side effects of sugar.

Showers (bathing) differs greatly between birds with some splashing often and others rarely. Also, with the drier affects of Winter, baths commonly increase when it is drier. Consider the climate that your specific parrot originates from and the climate that you live with. Judge the need to shower with those contributing factors in play. Once a week would be minimum, three to four times a day would be maximum (this more an issue of whether the parrot is fully dry prior to the next bath). Adjust how often your bath your bird to maintaining a trust bond with your parrot. If the parrot clearly does not want another bath that day or week, than stop.
I will attempt to shed some light on the bonding issue. The lady who is rescuing birds wants to tame the bird but doesn't want it to bond with her because her ultimate goal is rehoming it. if the bird pair bonds with her then the chances of it rejecting another person will increase, something i struggle with on a daily basis rehoming amazons. If you give the bird attention (especially if you're the only person doing so) then chances are the bird will naturally bond with you. That's a natural course of events. Being a good birdie parront is usually all it takes. Yes purposely stimulating (even if you aren't aware of it) will cause that bond quicker. (and cause many problems down the road.)

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