A MUST SEE FOR GUARDIANS : Might upset sensative guardians


Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2009
Sunny South Africa !!!
African "Grey"
7 Years old
Jessie, Mishka's girlfriend has gone to Rainbow Heaven.
Jessie was an AG 19 years old. Beautiful bird with an awesome character.
Had a serious liver problem, fought bravely right till the end.

Jessie fought bravely right till the end.

The reason I am uploading these videos is to show guardians a bird does not always look sick.

Jessie was always taken to the vet every 4 months for check ups. When she became ill, Jessie had the best medical attention, was on medication. The liver problem had been there for many years.

Forever in our hearts X X X

This video was taken ten minutes before Jessie took her last breath.
Here she was climbing up her cage, not looking ill at all.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3txdhi1sIw"]Jessie R.I.P. - YouTube[/ame]

This video was taken one minute before Jessie took her last breath.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEJe9uUbYzU"]Jessie R.I.P. - YouTube[/ame]

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A MUST SEE FOR GUARDIANS : Might upset sensative guardians

May she rest in peace in birdie heaven....
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Oh my....I can see her panting pretty bad on the second video....That makes me very sad to see, it brings back memory of my Cracker's last breath...Even though it's been over 4 years, I'm in tears thinking of him.... :(
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Oh my....I can see her panting pretty bad on the second video....That makes me very sad to see, it brings back memory of my Cracker's last breath...Even though it's been over 4 years, I'm in tears thinking of him.... :(

I feel you pain Mike, It's like losing a child.
I went through it with Gigi (AG 3 months old)
She died in my arms........
Still think of her every single day
Poor Jessie was loved so much. It is very sad to know that he crossed over. I know everyone there must miss her terribly.
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I still think of my BCC, Briana, every single day and I still cry pretty often. It was a very hard loss for me. She also seemed completely normal all day and then an hour after she went to bed she had a stroke. She died in my arms within a minute or two.
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Poor Jessie was loved so much. It is very dad to know that he crossed over. I know everyone there must miss her terribly.

It is tearing me apart to see Barbara and Cecil... quick visit today, was terrible. Stayed for 5 minutes and left. They need time to grieve and time by themselves.

So sorry....Jessie is pain free now and flying happily in heaven waiting of his loved ones. I believe we all go to the same heaven , where our loved ones wait patiently for us.
My heart goes out to you all. Everyday I think of the various birds that have shared my life, and are no longer here. It often seems worse with birds because they are so low on the food chain, that they do not show illness, or disability, until they cannot hide it anymore. And we are often unaware of the extent of their problems. Which is why we all tell anyone doubting their birds health, to take them to the vet ASAP. I know that I have a flock of birds waiting for me over that Rainbow Bridge. And if I get my wish, I will be flying with them someday. RIP our feathered friends.
I try to comfort myself that Bri only suffered for a short time when she left me. I am thinking that is true for Jessie as well. Maybe she was acting happy before she went because she was happy. She was well loved and with her flock, and I bet she was glad for that. I know she was sick for a long time and battled bravely, but it does look like when her time came that she really was happy and feeling loved. And knowing that can maybe help bring you all some comfort.

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