About Macaws


Aug 20, 2009
I will never have a Macaw due to the size. Just could not physically meet the challenge. Macaw owners please paint me a picture of what it is like to have such a beautiful bird share you life. Do they need any special care for their large size? Why did you choose a Macaw? What is the general personality like? I see many people on the forum that have this species and have always been curious about them.

This way I can have a Macaw by proxy.
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We have Goose, the greenwing:red1:, who arrived in January after a post right here on the adoption/rehoming forum. His Grey friend Merlin :whiteblue:went to Roxynoodle & Goose and Kiwi:green2:, his little Panama amazon buddy, came to Pennsylvania.

Goose is a character. He tells jokes (Kiwi plays the straight-man), his day-cage is by a window near the front door & when someone knocks, he says, "I'll get it."

When he gets bored, he chases Kiwi off his cage & as Kiwi flys to a safe landing spot, Goose innocently inquires, "What happened? Are you okay?"

Once when I didn't recognize that Goose didn't want to be touched, he darted that big beak at me and I said, "Inappropriate birdy behavior!"

And he replied, "UH-OH!"

He asks to step-up when I am holding either PaulE (Yellow Crowned amazon) or Gilbert the Greyt (CAG), because he wants to get closer to them.

When I'm in the next room and he wants attention, he also says, "C'mere! C'mere!" in a voice that makes me think that going to him at that moment, might be a big mistake. And every day he says, "Wanna bath!"

He is the gentle giant that greenwings are said to be. He is just now getting snuggl-y. And boy, does he enjoy those bathes!

Of course, he IS a parrot, and a guy this big can REALLY fling his food (and toys). And I think we maybe can never move, because we've got so much acreage between us & the neighbors, the fact he has such an impressive scream causes no neighborhood friction. [He does have an indoor voice, though, and when I whisper, he whispers, too - it cracks me up.]

But he loves to mimic noises, and his 'screechy closet door' almost makes your ears bleed!

Right now he is dancing on top of his cage, talking to himself & watching the front door to see if anyone is planning to visit. [When he caught my eye, he started saying, "Hello!" and singing]. He's almost got the theme for the flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz & "Follow the yellow brick road". And he and Kiwi will harmonize when the mood strikes.

He takes no special care.

He eats more food than everyone else, of course, and takes up more space. And both he & the carpet take more of a soaking when he wants a spray-bath on his cage.

I had room for a greenwing, but didn't expect to get one (we had looked at one locally and weren't ready to commit). Then Goose's owners explained they needed to place several birds, including Kiwi & Merlin. For whatever reason, I was ready & contacted them about Goose, knowing others would be interested in Merlin & Kiwi. But it was their hope that Kiwi would go with Goose & that the two would continue to live together. Turns out it was an excellent call - I think the move (after 20 years in one family) was a bit traumatic at first, when they really didn't know what was happening. But having each other made it easier on both.

I am only sorry (for their sake) we didn't have time to get to know them before bringing them home, just to make sure THEY liked US. I always think especially with big birds, the bird needs a say in the matter. But fortunately, all worked out on that score.

Anyhow, that's our macaw story . . . :red1:
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Oh thank you. He sounds like such a character. They are really good talkers too.
Oh I love goose! I want a GW >.<

I will try to write a story about my little baby Macaw soon. It feels like one of those shows 'bringing up baby' because I can tell the difference between her behaviors and those of a full grown adult macaw.

These last few weeks she's really started to come into her 'big girl' voice. Now when I leave the room or am in the living room and she hears us, she'll do a squak that's not quite a scream but definatly louder than her baby chirps. She sounds so mad that she's not with me!

Anyways, more later! It's BBQ and beer time, and I made Kabobs!
Living with a baby Blue and Gold Macaw

When I first got Safira, it was last October and she was 4 months old. She would beg a lot, making little baby chirpy noises and loved her head scratched. She was weaned on to Pretty Bird Pellets and ate those with a gusto, but wouldn't touch many fruits and vegetables. She was very 'baby' and I was actually concerned the breeder weaned her a little too fast. I had meant to ask the breeder to keep her wings fully flighted, to help her mature a little more but by the time I remembered, she had her toweled and did the ugly 'show clip' and clipped -way- too many flight feathers.

Anyways, as the months went by and she settled in, she started eating grapes and trying nuts as treats. She still barely made any noise, except the nightly screams of fright or anger or whatever it was she did. I got the CAGS, and as much as I don't like her in the room with all that dander (air purifier or not) she enjoys the company. She watched them play with toys and eats even more of her fruits and veggies when they do.

A month or two ago she started making more noises, not just her baby chirpps. She now calls her flock when I leave the room, its not the ear-piercing scream I know a Macaw can make (and I know she can make it, she still does at night sometimes.) Its still loud though. She doesn't talk, or laugh, or whilste, but she is trying to make some kind of vocalization. I think a few more months, maybe a year and she may talk.

Her most favorite toys are things she can shred, and the little easy to break wood blocks. She loves her playstand, and stays on that in the afternoon unless she decides to go on a 'walk-about.' If I leave the room for a few minutes, its no surprise to see her jumping down to come find me.

She's not as messy as Macaws can be, she does dunk her pellets in her water bowl, but she doesn't fling her food (yet.) She's also not that noisy, unless she's calling to her flock but even that is managable.

She broke all her tail feathers due to nightmares and falling in her cage, and right now is going through a serious molt so she's a little grumpy. She lets me scratch and work on her pin feathers on her head, but when she's had enough she'll let me know.

She's starting to get bolder, older, and sometimes will protest 'stepping up.' She even tried to bite my finger when I went to take her out of her outside cage. She's still very clumsy at it. This is my first experiance with a young, baby bird and my last. I prefer the maturity of a grown bird, though it is interesting seeing her coming into her personality.:blue1:
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My Sparky came to me by accident. I never really considered a macaw, I'm a too person :) I saw her on petfinder and I was done, I made the arrangements to meet her and we fell in love.

She is very different from the other birds I have worked with. She is more beaky in general, but when she bites its rarely painful, she usually just hits me with her beak. Sparky uses her beak for everything, she holds my hand with it, moves things, hooks it on my hand to rest her head while I'm scratching, ect.. She can be a bit stubborn with her training, but is gaining more confidence in learning.

She was really shredded and plucked from her former cagemate, a goffins, but is feathering nicely now and loves her baths. Her need for space is greater than other birds, I am planning on a full aviary for her in the future. She spends a lot of her time snuggling and LOVES to be scratched. She has started regurgitating for me, which I discourage, but can't help but be flattered by.

All in all I wouldn't change it for the world and she is truly a beautiful bird her blue is so vibrant it looks unreal and her gold is very rich. She is even picking up some new words, but isn't really a vocal bird in general, she occasionally calls out. She is one of the quietest birds I have ever known.
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Oh I will do that T, thank you very much. I know Remington is such a neat guy. I am getting ready to move back to Balto. County so will be busy for a while. Rain check please!!
Our B&G is a little over 2 years old. Just has a small vocabulary but it is definitely increasing.

He is a strong bird at approximately 36" head to tail and almost 4' wingspan. He weighs in at about 1225 grams.

Mac breaks a Brazil Nut effortlessly.

My wife works at home so he is out in his play area most of the time. He has a considerable amount of "real estate" in the house. He travels with us on long weekends and vacations.

He took a chunk out of the dining table in 2.36 seconds.

Although he is pretty mellow, when he is ready to eat, he can scream loud enough to be painful.



I got my Greenwing when he was three weeks old. The breeder and my wife call me nervious nilly. I underfed him for the first week out of ignorance. I got that under control and he go up to 1400 grams when he decided to try to get down to his flying weight. He lost and he lost so I took him to the vet...he's fine she says.

He would flap his wings so hard you could hear him pant, quick rest then again, quick rest, panting, then flap till he was so tired he'd lay his wings out on the floor, to tired to even fold them up. He lost 300 grams, but after a lot of formula and peanut butter and anything else I can get him to eat, he'll eat anything if he's hungry, he's going on 18 weeks old at 1100 grams.

He's stubborn! He tried to climb up my leg (scratching me pretty good) and all the telling no and pushing him away (15 times) did no good. He's like a crying baby, he just lowers his head and comes right back until I pick him up and pet him. When he wants attention, he has to have it. He's a big baby.

He has fell in the pool (miscalculating his flight path) 3 times, into the sliding door 10 or more times, screens 10 or more, and cracked the tip of his beak (2 drops of blood) once. He gets soaked, like my conure, unlike my amazon who repells water. It took several days to heal and it happened while he was weaning and fledging...so it didn't help with the weight loss. He usually comes running to me and I pick him up, dust him off, and see if he's ok...then off he goes.

Now he flies everywhere. He spends most of his time on the patio by the pool. He hates his cage and is only ok being there at bedtime. Then he growls hisself to sleep after his nite-nite song. He wants out immediately in the morning...but no screaming yet. He does bark like our small dog untill he get out. Its cute and not loud.

He's talking already. Mostly gibberish except "hello" is pretty clear. He's very shy and hides behind my back when we try to introduce him to other people. After he gets to know them he is ok.

I let him get my fingers, arms, whatever in his mouth so he can learn what, 'to much pressure' is. When he squeezes too hard I let him know. He pinches me by accident (gets some skin when he thinks he's got hold of my shirt). Only a couple of times has he pressed a little too hard. I seems you have to watch outside influences. Like if I'm putting my hand towards him at the same time that my little dog decides to jump up at the same spot....But no biting yet. And no big voice yet.

He likes me to bite off the end off a grape then squish it in his mouth (home made grape juice). He likes to grab a rug and fall over and pull it on top of him. But mostly he likes flying, petting, toys, eating, showers with a spray bottle, climbing on my homeade jungle gym. I run to the other side of the pool and can barely get there before he takes off to land on my arm. The faster I run to the other side, the faster he flies to get there.

This morning he decided he wanted a lot of petting. He won't go away or stay on his perch. I don't have the heart to put him in the cage, so its petting he gets. Laying his head on my chest, wings open, eyes closed, holding one hand and getting petted with the other.

My Sun Conure is a joy. Our Amazon is as sweet as honey. But his Macaw...he/she owns me, absolutely owns me.


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Oh. Named him Big'n.


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Turning point, it sounds like your in love with your boy, be sure to not spoil him or he will be a hellion in no time. Good luck with your sweetie.
Don't spoil him!? Too late for that. He bats those big eyes and lays his head sideways and gets anything he wants. But he don't bite or yell. He does lunge and try to "punk you out", but he's learning. He still doesn't know how to hold something and eat it yet. We'll keep working on good manners and socializing.

Thanks for the comment!

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:11: Where did you get that travel cart??! *eyes it* That would be great to bring my (future) macaw to work...

We had the travel cage custom built by a person selling acrylic cages on E-bay.

The first trip we took using it we found that it got way too warm inside.

In the picture below it can be seen where I had to modify the cage so the was sufficient air flow to keep the temperature down in the cage.

The wagon my wife purchased at ToysRus or somewhere similar. We had the cage built so it would fit in the wagon. The wagon folds up so it can be transported fairly easy. The cage ride in the back seat of the pick up truck.

[message clipped...]

:11: Where did you get that travel cart??! *eyes it* That would be great to bring my (future) macaw to work...

We had the travel cage custom built by a person selling acrylic cages on E-bay.

The first trip we took using it we found that it got way too warm inside.

In the picture below it can be seen where I had to modify the cage so the was sufficient air flow to keep the temperature down in the cage.

The wagon my wife purchased at ToysRus or somewhere similar. We had the cage built so it would fit in the wagon. The wagon folds up so it can be transported fairly easy. The cage ride in the back seat of the pick up truck.


That's amazing....

I was looking at the CS4 Acrylic Carriers but was worried about airflow/heat given I live in the tropics (humidity anywhere from 60-100% and temps from 11C to 35C).

I love what you have done though! That's given me some ideas. :)
Thanks for posting the picture of the cart. What a GREAT idea. I have seen the macaw-sized backpacks that you can also attach to a baby-carriage type base, but they are SO expensive.

Goose came with an airline crate, but I hate that he is so totally enclosed and has to sit horizontal, not vertical.

I was also looking at the acrylic cages & I'm glad to know they are warm (before having to find out on my own).

One of the local rescues here has a guy who makes wire travel cages with a safe wire. They are price-y but I could probably get him to make a macaw-height one - and then look around for a cart to put underneath it.

Or, hmm . . . maybe my old luggage cart might have just found a new use!

Thanks for the ideas!
I currently use a med metal dog crate for my girl, she is not a chewer, and has only been in it to transport her here. It worked really well though. I haven't traveled with her thought so I don't know how it would work for outings. It does give her great visibility and ventilation though. It is the right size, ie it fits her tail without a problem, and isn't too heavy, though it is awkward. The other bonus is that it breaks down easily. Any thoughts on that?
I currently use a med metal dog crate for my girl, she is not a chewer, and has only been in it to transport her here. It worked really well though. I haven't traveled with her thought so I don't know how it would work for outings. It does give her great visibility and ventilation though. It is the right size, ie it fits her tail without a problem, and isn't too heavy, though it is awkward. The other bonus is that it breaks down easily. Any thoughts on that?

Sounds like a viable option for transporting your bird.

The travel cage we use is also bulky and awkward. I'm trying to come up with something different balancing the weight of the cage and cost.

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