Macaw scent


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2023
Windham, Maine
Budgies. Lotsa Budgies.
I've noticed that some large parrots, especially macaws have an unusual scent that I find very pleasant. Is it me or do macaws smell different from most other parrot type birds? Amazons may smell like this too but I haven't noticed it as much. Do any of you macaw owners notice this too?
My YNA smells like a musty closet.
You know when winter comes around and you have to pull out the jackets you havenā€™t worn for months?
Unless wet, then he smells like a wet chicken.
Donā€™t have a macaw so I canā€™t compare.
My other two amazons, well canā€™t get my nose close enough for a good sniff
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My YNA smells like a musty closet.
You know when winter comes around and you have to pull out the jackets you havenā€™t worn for months?
Unless wet, then he smells like a wet chicken.
Donā€™t have a macaw so I canā€™t compare.
My other two amazons, well canā€™t get my nose close enough for a good sniff
I think the scent I'm talking about may be unique to macaws. It's not what I would call musty. It's unlike any other smell.
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My little Amazon Salty, when he is extremely happy or in a great mood exudes a smell i call "Christmas Cookies". Of course it does not really smell like baked goods, but its as close as I could come. I love it!
The scent I refer to is almost sweet and fruity but I've never smelled it anywhere but on a macaw. When I went to bird stores that had a lot of macaws it was unmistakable.
I've unfortunately never been close enough to a mac to know how they smell. Buuuut, a happy amazon is a unique scent as well. I think perception has a lot to do with the description. I can't think of a way to describe my YNA Baxter, but as above, I loooooove it. My little grey Avery smells nice too, but not nearly as pronounced. Then there's my ekkie Tucker. When he's happy, he smells to me like a sweet version of fresh red bell peppers, and it's strong. He lives to be in my face, and especially under my nose, and I just soak it in. Mmmmmmmm! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø
My YNA smells like a musty closet.
You know when winter comes around and you have to pull out the jackets you havenā€™t worn for months?
Unless wet, then he smells like a wet chicken.
Donā€™t have a macaw so I canā€™t compare.
My other two amazons, well canā€™t get my nose close enough for a good sniff

Sammy also smells musty!! I thought it was just me, because one of the guys we boarded her with said she smelled sweet, and that itā€™s a pheromone thing. Clearly I am not the intended target.

Kirby on the other hand smells faintlyā€¦Iā€™m not sure how to describe it, but itā€™s like freshly dried laundry (but not the artificial scent they sell). Itā€™s like a soft, nice smell.

I have not been brave enough to stick my face in a macaws feathers, but I will remember to ask next time I see a macaw owner, lol!
For whatever reason, Mac's just love to get up and personal with me and commonly I get hit with a huge plum of Macaw pheromone. They do it often enough that there is a base aroma that is there and it has a citrus base that just keeps one coming back for more.

IF I was not such an Amazon snob, I would likely be surrounded by Mac's.

The mid-size to large Parrots have unique aromas by species. Place an Amazon in a room regardless of what part of the huge family and anyone in that room what has experienced the base Amazon scent would know and be looking for the Amazon. The same is true for Mac's, Grey's and Ekkie's.

The Big Macs' are intimidating, and can cause serious damage rapidly, but if they scene that you are, In their mind a Mac person, your will quickly understand the why their owners love them so deeply even after they have removed most of the wood in their home. If a Mac wants little to nothing to do with you; Move On!!
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For whatever reason, Mac's just love to get up and personal with me and commonly I get hit with a huge plum of Macaw pheromone. They do it often enough that there is a base aroma that is there and it has a citrus base that just keeps one coming back for more.

IF I was not such an Amazon snob, I would likely be surrounded by Mac's.

The mid-size to large Parrots have unique aromas by species. Place an Amazon in a room regardless of what part of the huge family and anyone in that room what has experienced the base Amazon scent would know and be looking for the Amazon. The same is true for Mac's, Grey's and Ekkie's.

The Big Macs' are intimidating, and can cause serious damage rapidly, but if they scene that you are, In their mind a Mac person, your will quickly understand the why their owners love them so deeply even after they have removed most of the wood in their home. If a Mac wants little to nothing to do with you; Move On!!
It's definitely citrusy and you would't expect a big parrot to smell like that. I just love the macaw scent.
Yes, Pancho has a very light, sweet, earthy, almost baby-powder-like scent. A shower, instead of dulling his scent, seems to make it more pronounced.
While a very different scent, even his regurg smells goodšŸ¤£
Primor our Amazon's scent is most pungent, but not at all unpleasant.
its an inviting snuggly smell of freshly baked yeasty bread.

Max our B & G Macaw's scent is mild in comparison.
Baby powder is a great description of it!!
The Big Macs' are intimidating, and can cause serious damage rapidly, but if they scene that you are, In their mind a Mac person, your will quickly understand the why their owners love them so deeply even after they have removed most of the wood in their home. If a Mac wants little to nothing to do with you; Move On!!
All of this is so true! I would imagine that anyone who wins the affection of a macaw completely understands the draw of the macaws! And they definitely do sense macaw people. Me and my daughters friend were petting a blue and gold through the fencing at a zoo once. Not something I recommend attempting, but the invite from the macaw was so blatant and the head scratches so well received, I figure he must have at some point been a very cherished pet.
And if a Mac ever tries to avoid contact with someone, forcing contact is a big mistake!!!
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All of this is so true! I would imagine that anyone who wins the affection of a macaw completely understands the draw of the macaws! And they definitely do sense macaw people. Me and my daughters friend were petting a blue and gold through the fencing at a zoo once. Not something I recommend attempting, but the invite from the macaw was so blatant and the head scratches so well received, I figure he must have at some point been a very cherished pet.
And if a Mac ever tries to avoid contact with someone, forcing contact is a big mistake!!!
What about when a macaw "comes after" you? I was at a friend's apartment once and he was bird sitting a scarlet macaw. The bird was sitting on a play stand across the room and I was sitting on the sofa when he jumped off onto the floor and started running toward me! I jumped up onto the sofa in fear he was going to attack me! Do you think he just wanted to play or was he more likely in attack mode? I was too intimidated by the Giant Beak to find out!
What about when a macaw "comes after" you? I was at a friend's apartment once and he was bird sitting a scarlet macaw. The bird was sitting on a play stand across the room and I was sitting on the sofa when he jumped off onto the floor and started running toward me! I jumped up onto the sofa in fear he was going to attack me! Do you think he just wanted to play or was he more likely in attack mode? I was too intimidated by the Giant Beak to find out!
Don't know this particular bird, but my guess would be he wanted to see your reaction. His next move was probably going to be based on your reaction. If you were intimidated and showed fear, he would have likely bullied you.
I have not seen Pancho go out of his way to attack anyone. The people that he has bit(none serious) have received and ignored warnings from him, and he wanted away from them. One friend wanted to see him, so I got him out. He wouldn't step up or hardly look at her. I told her, he's not into it right now and put him in his cage. Then she stuck her finger in the cage!!! and he bit! That's the worse I've seen him do. And he clearly wanted NOTHING to do with her.
He will, however, go out of his way to get a dramatic reaction and walk away laughing at the poor, faint-hearted person that he's messing with. I've never seen him be aggressive with someone who he initiates contact with, no matter how bullish he acts when initiating. It ends with him mocking or playing with them, depending on their reaction.
Edit: one caveat, if he is on mamma, and you get too close, he is jealous...and you (or me, if he can't reach you) will get nailed. Not breaking the skin, but you certainly know that he is displeasedšŸ¤£
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A friend of mine has 3, dogs, and a house full of birds. Her scarlet is her guard animal if anyone tries to come in uninvited. The dogs would lick them to death, or show them where the money is. The scarlet would have them running for the door bleeding. No issue as long as she says it's okay though. That is awesome! I've never been to her house, but I'm excited to go one of these days! Maybe I can find out about mac bouquet while I'm there :)
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Don't know this particular bird, but my guess would be he wanted to see your reaction. His next move was probably going to be based on your reaction. If you were intimidated and showed fear, he would have likely bullied you.
I have not seen Pancho go out of his way to attack anyone. The people that he has bit(none serious) have received and ignored warnings from him, and he wanted away from them. One friend wanted to see him, so I got him out. He wouldn't step up or hardly look at her. I told her, he's not into it right now and put him in his cage. Then she stuck her finger in the cage!!! and he bit! That's the worse I've seen him do. And he clearly wanted NOTHING to do with her.
He will, however, go out of his way to get a dramatic reaction and walk away laughing at the poor, faint-hearted person that he's messing with. I've never seen him be aggressive with someone who he initiates contact with, no matter how bullish he acts when initiating. It ends with him mocking or playing with them, depending on their reaction.
Edit: one caveat, if he is on mamma, and you get too close, he is jealous...and you (or me, if he can't reach you) will get nailed. Not breaking the skin, but you certainly know that he is displeasedšŸ¤£
I wouldn't dare antagonize a macaw! Anyone who does that kinda gets what they deserve, IMO, and I'm a lifelong bird person I had a hand raised cockatoo for years that I wouldn't trust too close to strangers' faces. We've all seen tourists at places like Busch Gardens posing for photos with macaws on their shoulders and I shudder! Those big birds can rip your face up! What sane person would let a "strange" bird that big so close to their face? And isn't there a huge potential liability issue there? Are those macaws at resorts so well trained that they can be trusted that much with strangers or is there a lot of human stupidity going on? Big parrots deserve our respect- they are not toys or props!
I wouldn't dare antagonize a macaw! Anyone who does that kinda gets what they deserve, IMO, and I'm a lifelong bird person I had a hand raised cockatoo for years that I wouldn't trust too close to strangers' faces. We've all seen tourists at places like Busch Gardens posing for photos with macaws on their shoulders and I shudder! Those big birds can rip your face up! What sane person would let a "strange" bird that big so close to their face? And isn't there a huge potential liability issue there? Are those macaws at resorts so well trained that they can be trusted that much with strangers or is there a lot of human stupidity going on? Big parrots deserve our respect- they are not toys or props!
I would not let a strange macaw on my shoulder...forearm, yes. But you relinquish most all control when they are on your shoulder. I don't let Pancho on guests shoulders, forearms only. Too much could go wrong too quickly.
I wouldn't dare antagonize a macaw! Anyone who does that kinda gets what they deserve, IMO, and I'm a lifelong bird person I had a hand raised cockatoo for years that I wouldn't trust too close to strangers' faces. We've all seen tourists at places like Busch Gardens posing for photos with macaws on their shoulders and I shudder! Those big birds can rip your face up! What sane person would let a "strange" bird that big so close to their face? And isn't there a huge potential liability issue there? Are those macaws at resorts so well trained that they can be trusted that much with strangers or is there a lot of human stupidity going on? Big parrots deserve our respect- they are not toys or props!

That is true, but at Busch Gardens there is at least one individual that is watching very closely and at least two others that are doing the same while watching the interaction on screen. Any little indication and the stage person(s) has the Mac and are moving away. That is found under the category of How To Avoid Legal Issues.

I think it is important to say that Macaws are by the most part Lovers at heart, But They Do Not Suffer Fools!!
That is true, but at Busch Gardens there is at least one individual that is watching very closely and at least two others that are doing the same while watching the interaction on screen. Any little indication and the stage person(s) has the Mac and are moving away. That is found under the category of How To Avoid Legal Issues.

I think it is important to say that Macaws are by the most part Lovers at heart, But They Do Not Suffer Fools!!
That makes sense, I didn't know the setup at Busch Gardens... this is my first time hearing of itšŸ˜ƒ
But your last sentence...truer words were never spoken!
A friend of mine has 3, dogs, and a house full of birds. Her scarlet is her guard animal if anyone tries to come in uninvited. The dogs would lick them to death, or show them where the money is. The scarlet would have them running for the door bleeding. No issue as long as she says it's okay though. That is awesome! I've never been to her house, but I'm excited to go one of these days! Maybe I can find out about mac bouquet while I'm there :)

Just assure that the Mac is picking-up on your I am a Big Bird, guy thing, as there seems to be some kind of linkage between being choose by one species that pre-allows some level of, Oh, Your Okay! But, have all your senses working as they are Jesters and love a reaction!

NOTE: IMHO, Mac's have a long set of Body Language (position, posturing) that include head movements, body movements and then a hold. At this point they hold to see if you reply with the same or like movement and hold. Whether there are variations to the meanings or between MAC's, I am not certain, but I have watched macaw owners doing it and their Mac's response, but I have not seen anyone document them like with Amazons here on Parrot Forums, Amazon Sub-forum.
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