Am I doing this right?


New member
May 7, 2023
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Two lovebirds, one peach-faced and one black-masked. Both about six months old as of 2023, sexes unknown as of yet.
Hi everyone! So I have recently adopted two lovebirds, Fiffel and Volfie (don’t ask about the names, it’s a long story haha) and I guess I’m just sort of seconding guessing myself?
I’ve had them for about a month, and they’re both roughly around 6 months old. Volfie has had a traumatic past and still doesn’t want to get close to me, but he eats and sleeps and drinks just fine so I’d say he’s warming up. Fiffel is much more outgoing and has even learned to step up on my finger when offered.
Here’s the thing though: none of them seem particularly fond of me. They’re not aggressive or anything, but they don’t seem to enjoy my company at all. Fiffel only ever pays attention to me when she wants to treats.
They spend their days cuddling on my curtain rod and sometimes coming down to their cage to eat, but they don’t really chirp or play or explore. Again, they seem fine, and I know I should probably just give them some time, but I’m still wondering if this is normal? Shouldn’t they become more playful by now?
Any help is appreciated!


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Hi everyone! So I have recently adopted two lovebirds, Fiffel and Volfie (don’t ask about the names, it’s a long story haha) and I guess I’m just sort of seconding guessing myself?
I’ve had them for about a month, and they’re both roughly around 6 months old. Volfie has had a traumatic past and still doesn’t want to get close to me, but he eats and sleeps and drinks just fine so I’d say he’s warming up. Fiffel is much more outgoing and has even learned to step up on my finger when offered.
Here’s the thing though: none of them seem particularly fond of me. They’re not aggressive or anything, but they don’t seem to enjoy my company at all. Fiffel only ever pays attention to me when she wants to treats.
They spend their days cuddling on my curtain rod and sometimes coming down to their cage to eat, but they don’t really chirp or play or explore. Again, they seem fine, and I know I should probably just give them some time, but I’m still wondering if this is normal? Shouldn’t they become more playful by now?
Any help is appreciated!
When you have to birds, especially of the same or similar species and their bonded to one another, they typically only want each others company over a humans.
My budgies will step on my hands for treats or out of curiosity but always go back to each other and will pick another budgie over me any day and I’ve owned all of them for over 2 years, some of them 3.

Also, owning them for a month and making that much progress is great! But parrots usually take a lot longer to bond with their owners, some may never.

Don’t give up, keep offering treats. You could always try target training, it’s a great bonding tool.
100% true - its very hard to bond with a pair of parrots already bonded to each other.

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