Amazon Parrot on hunger strike.


New member
Mar 16, 2013
Thompson, Ohio
Blue Front Amazon
My 23 year old parrot has eaten Roughty Bush food forever. We were told initially he was a male, but we question this. He has always gotten vegetables, fruits, or whatever we eat and has never been sick a day in his life. The last three days he has refused to eat his food, doesn't seem hungry, but would eat if I have him treats. He seems fine, playful, mouthy, etc. But I've refused to
give him anything unless he eats some of his food and won't eat. I've emptied out his food dish, gave him fresh (we keep in frozen). He's been stubborn before, wanting snacks and refusing to eat, but after a day he's given in. He's starting his yearly weird behavior (I call it his mating time) where he is very
protective of me, wants to feed me, etc. If I give in and feed him anything other than the Roughty Bush, he won't eat it again for quite a while. I'm afraid I'm giving up, but I know the consequences. Does anyone else's bird do this or is he just unique? What would you do?
As you say, dont give him anything else before he eat his food. Normaly if a perrot dont eat there could be something wrong but if this is a "normal think" for him then just wait him out
I've dealt with this quite a bit as I do rehabilitation for larger parrots.

A good way to get them to eat if they're not eating anything specific at the time, is to puree up a bunch of good fruits/veggies. Then see if the bird will take it from a spoon.

My 28 year old Orange Winged Amazon prefers if he gets to drink out of the bottle (a washed out soda bottle or the like, usually a gatorade bottle, as it has a larger opening) and that usually gets him on his "hunger strikes".

Sometimes, just stick with the same food, dont offer any fruits or veggies and just "wait it out" as the previous poster had said. But sometimes this too can be quite dangerous, however, as long as the bird is drinking water, then he may be okay for a few more days.

Another good way is to just offer whatever you know the bird likes and will eat. But this may be why its' on a hunger strike anyway, as it just wants a certain item.

I hope these suggestions work, I will try to remember what else I've had to do to get my rescues to eat.

Best of luck and let us know the outcome!
i was reading a older magazine of Bird Talk. This article made me think of your situation.It said if your bird stops eating ,especially fruits and vegtables its the first signs of illness. Maybe see what your vet thinks.

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