Amigo' landing gear is down!

That's cool, Sully and Bella are never locked in their cage either so I'm perfect for him!
They don't like toys either so clearly I am perfect for his new home!
When should I pick him up?:p
Ok, I will gladly live with you! Your house is beautiful!
But there is one condition, my birdies come with me!:p
Mare, doesnt Amigo only like women ?
Ohhh , if he does , I win :)
chanting , "we are the champions my friends"
tee hee :)
Everybody likes me, I'm awsome!
I'm bigger than you so ha I win!
Besides mare is going to adopt me, it's already said so I am going to have Amigo! I win so its done, he's mine and mare is going to adopt me.:p
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It would ultimately have to up to Amigo and I have no doubt he will pick me :)
The End :)
I have birds to turn down for the night and a barnyard of others , lol.
Till later :p
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  • #28
Wow! How did this thread get so off track? Amigo loves every woman he's ever met. He is friendly towards SOME men, he' very particular in who he will accept. The male that approaches him, has to have no agenda, no bad vibes, a yogi at heart, basically. His perception of people is beyond me. There is definitely something that most women posess that he will gravitate towards.

So, cdog, I'm not sure how you would fare, just don't know...
I have no fear so I'm confident he will pick me.
We all know he is mine, in fact, when he is out of your sight he is actually hanging out with me. We are already secretly friends so that makes him mine.

What do you mean off track? This is a perfectly normal discussion that has to do with Amigo, so it is still basically on track, a little scewed, but still on track. Lol:D
I win !! I have a dog named YOGI :)
Check my profile , so there !!
Ha ha , I win :)
Yes but my dog is bigger so I win!
But I have more dogs ! Ok , I give , this is getting tooooo tiring for me , lol
But I will giv eyou some advice. Amigo LOVES the electric man that comes and reads Mare's really should get the same colored uniform that they wear ....
Just a thought , maybe Amigo will really take to you then :)

Congratulations :) But be careful , he doesnt like all men , so thats why I said dress up like the meter readers that work in the area....
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  • #34
We'll see...
I would be very interested to see how Amigo would react to you, cdog. Maybe around Christmas time, if you feel like a road trip, come on up north...let's see!
We'll see...
I would be very interested to see how Amigo would react to you, cdog. Maybe around Christmas time, if you feel like a road trip, come on up north...let's see!

Yeah , you can try out your meter reader outfit :)
Mare , You must video this encounter !
Please , for all thats good in the world , please video this , lololol
Ha, cool road trip! I will get an electrical man uniform and come up to see my Amigo! I would love to see where you live and to see Amigo in the wild! Lol:D
So what city are you in/near exactly? Just curious as to how far you are from me.:p

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