Amy and Salty


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
Amy a Blue Front 'Zon
Jonesy a Goffins 'Too who had to be rehomed :-(

And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
I found this photo,taken when Al and his Salty Boy came to visit a couple summers ago and thought it was cute ;)

Amy looks like a big green monster in comparison lol

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I cant believe the size difference.

I think my RLA are on the small side,
whenever I see the larger amazons, I am so amazed.

they look comparable to my B&G.
Your Amy looks a lot like my Sammy, who could be Samantha. Sam is about 628 gm. right now, but is very tall with really big feet. If I could use the software to post, I would put up a picture.
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Your Amy looks a lot like my Sammy, who could be Samantha. Sam is about 628 gm. right now, but is very tall with really big feet. If I could use the software to post, I would put up a picture.

Well...Amy is actually AMOS lol...dna'd MALE in 2015..but has been known as/called Amy all her/his life.

Thanks Jim, thats a great pic of the boys. Sorry I couldnt get up to see the family this year, for sure in 2018. Now that Salty is harness trained, the trip to your local pet shop will be less nerve wracking for me.
If i remember righly, the boys did the same thing when they met for the first time - did the kissy beak thing!
Great pic of the guys!!!

Thanks, to both of you for getting together!

Love both of your Amazons! Clearly Living the: Amazon's Have More Fun!!! Thing!
It's good to know that 2 Amazon's of such different sizes can get along.
Give me hope for Bingo and Luna eventually getting along.
They touched beaks through the bars of the cage.
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Thanks Jim, thats a great pic of the boys. Sorry I couldnt get up to see the family this year, for sure in 2018. Now that Salty is harness trained, the trip to your local pet shop will be less nerve wracking for me.
If i remember righly, the boys did the same thing when they met for the first time - did the kissy beak thing!

Our turn to make the trip my friend! I have a harness that I got from Tom (Willow's Dad) some time ago. Tom said it was too small for Willow,and it was too large for Jonesy (the intended recipient)..It's been hanging on one of Amy's out-side-of-house multi-colored ropey perches for quite sometime now,and I'm going to see if it'll fit him.
How cool would it be going to the Big Apple one day with our boy's on our shoulders??:p

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Amy/Amos trying to act tough... Salty laughing at her/him!

Great picture!

Salty ALWAYS has a perpetual smile on his beaky..such a handsome fella that he is ;)

I live 45 minutes from NYC and Ollie is harness trained...just putting that out there.
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I live 45 minutes from NYC and Ollie is harness trained...just putting that out there.

That would be awesome! I live in CT,about 2.5 hours away from Al and Salty,who live in L.I.

When it gets warm we should meet in central park or something! That would be wonderful.
Awww Jim, I so love this picture of Amy & Salty! I bet they will love it when you and Al have an opportunity to get together again.
Bumble is an experienced traveler now and I’ve never been to NYC. Just sayin.

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