Another Newbie.


New member
Nov 20, 2011
Essex, UK
Dave..BF Amazon D.O.B 15/5/11
Hi, I'm Lisa and I'm a petoholic...

I live in Essex in the UK and am Mum to two kids, Kai [19] and Ellis[14].....and two Great Danes, three Yorkshire Terriers, three cats, 3 Degus, three Green Spotted Puffer fish and Fighter fish called Foo! [see if you can guess my favourite band].
And then there's Dave :green:, my 6 month old spoilt to death BF Amazon. Dave was hand reared and came to me clipped at ten weeks old, I'm being up front here as the reason I am here is I felt I had to leave another forum [uk based] after being criticised for my bird. Ok it may not be everyones cup of tea but he has a happy lively home life and is coming on in leaps and bounds. He's more or less weaned but still enjoys a warm breakfast and dinner of parrot goo and organic baby food...but he now feeds him self and just comes to me to have his beak wiped when finished!
He said his first word around a month ago and barely shuts up now, especially with the R2-D2 noises [thanks to my son]!!!!
I'm lucky enough to work from home right now so he is out of his cage and with me all day, well when I saw with me he prefers, right now the top of my display fish tank where her has his play gym and foraging box...and can poop down the glass...bless!
So that's me....I'll get some pics up asap

Lisa xxx
Hey Lisa and welcome to the forum, Lots of amazon people on here . Sorry to hear about your troubles with another forum , Clipping is one of those personal issues , and i don't think there's any one answer that fits all situations . I have Amazons clipped and free flighted. We'd love to hear more about Dave and some pictures please. I bet Dave loves it in such an active household.
Hi Lisa.

Im saying Welcome to you, but I have only recently joined this forum too :D
I also have left a forum in the UK for the same reason as you. You will find lots of good advise on here and very friendly people. I am bringing my new Baby YC Amazon home in 2 weeks time and like Dave, she will be 10 weeks old, so I will still need to feed her myself as well :D Look forward to chatting with you :D

Wendy xx
Welcome! I wonder if people in the UK are more vehemently against clipping? I have no idea, but it seems people here are very clear about the personal nature of wing clipping and also clear about the times when it's recommended, such as when a new, flighted adoptee won't let you near him to save its life, which was the case with us!

Cheers and welcome to the forum!
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I think you're right about it being a UK issue. As far as I am concerned it is a personal choice but on the last forum it wasn't really even up for debate. I adore my boy and wanted to belong to a forum where I wouldn't be judged for having a clipped bird, I want to be able to post any fears and concerns I have with out retribution and the odd nasty PM!

Here seems more like my sort of place :)

Lisa x
Yes the people on the forum in The UK are against Wing Clipping with a passion :( I dont no why? I have my Parrots wings clipped and it has never caused any problems at all !
Totally agree with you Lisa about this being your sort of place :D
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Same gose for the PF in Sweden I was judged for having a clipped bird and several other thinks. Some people on that forum especial the moderator was spreading a bad atiutude on the forum. So now I am hear and enjoy
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hi lisa i am new to the fourm as well i had the same problems with other fourms i had so many questions and couldnt get any answers. here people are very nice and they give lots of support and help. i too think clipping is a personal choice i have a galah (sheldon) and his wings are clipped as it was suggested that its easier to tame and train with clipped wings now how true that is i dont know if it varies from bird to bird but it has worked well for me welcome cheers ceejay

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