Are these sounds normal for baby ekkies?


Active member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 23, 2022
Eclectus, conure, and cockatiel
I’ve attached videos to this post, are these sounds normal? He is 13 weeks old now. Are these sounds attempts of him trying new sounds to talk? In the slight possibility these are pained sounds, I am posting in case anyone finds these noises concerning.
they’re so short because it won’t let me upload big files
any input is appreciated, thank u
Hi, Solo is 6 months older, but he has made the same squeaky noises most days as he falls asleep. If you called his name he would squeak back.. As he has gotten older, they have become less squeaky and more chattery Almost like he is practicing words.
it looks like your guy might be sleepy too?
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Hi, Solo is 6 months older, but he has made the same squeaky noises most days as he falls asleep. If you called his name he would squeak back.. As he has gotten older, they have become less squeaky and more chattery Almost like he is practicing words.
it looks like your guy might be sleepy too?
Yeah he does that as well!! He does it a lot more when he’s falling asleep. Ok phew maybe they are just practicing their voices!!! :)

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