Away from my conure for 2 weeks


New member
Nov 6, 2013
El Monte, CA
Yellow Sided Conure
For the past 2 weeks I was oversea on assigment for my company. This was my second 2-week trip since I have my Lily. The first one was when I got her for only 3 weeks. I don't think she missed me then as she was still learning her new environment. She is with me for 10 months now. I was quite worry if she would hate me when I get back, but everything was on the contrary.:) I don't have to travel so frequent anymore now that both locations oversea sort of settled down; may be 2-3 times a year for each location.:smile049:

Lily is bonded mainly to me. She stayed at home with my wife and kids. The first 3 days, she wouldn't come out of the bathroom in the morning because she didn't hear my footsteps. My wife has to go in to get her out so she can poop. (She automatically comes out of her sleeping cage, flies into the bathroom, and waits for me everyday.) At night, she would fly all over the house calling for me before she go to sleep. She flew into unlighted areas to look for me, that is very unusual for bird. On the fourth day, she didn't miss me anymore. She recognizes my wife as her replacement caregiver. She sort of recognizes my voice on Skype. She would fly to the laptop screen, pecked on the screen, fluffed and did her head massage on the keyboard. I was worry that she wouldn't eat properly. Actually, she gains weight after I got back!

After I got back, she recognized my voice in the garage and flew to me immediately. She bit me a couple times (not very hard) on the neck for leaving her and then kissed my cheek up and down. This morning, she was back to her workday morning routine with me as if I never left. That's the thing I love about conure, they are so forgiving.:D

I really missed Lily (and my family, too) during my trip. On the plane going away, I watched "Hachiko, A Dog's Tale" staring Richard Gere, which made me missed her even more. I heard about Hachiko when I was 8 years old, I finally saw the movie.
What a sweetheart she is!!! That movie made me's a great movie to watch!!!!

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