Baby Blue& Gold Update - 3 months


New member
Jun 11, 2017
So Shorty is 11 1/2 weeks. Almost 3 months :bounce3:. He is getting way more active and polite. He used to make a bunch of noise while i got his food ready now he just plays around or follows me while i mix his formula. He loves his flight suit & is very patient while i put it on and even lifts his wings through the straps. He is getting better at Step Up on command but is super fine with me grabbing his feet and holding on to me. I think he likes his cage...i leave the door open and he will come to the door and sit there and wait he wants to come out.
I have a branch connected to the outside where he hangs out next to a plant i have inside that is bird friendly...he likes to chill under the leaves its soooo adorable :cloud9:! I also have a little pic perch with a ladder bridge. He doesn't really like the pvc perches which is weird because those are the first things we were using. He hangs out on the bridge and flaps and has been jumping off the ladder and his basket a lot! It makes me nervous and i put pillows down on the carpet sometimes.

I've been considering a play stand from exotic wood dreams but i haven't seen many reviews on the forum about them.
I also made some Bird muffins last night to incorporate for weaning/toys. IMG_5358.JPG.jpg


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I can't even handle this much cuteness!!!!

Wow- baby Macaws are ridiculously cute!!! Keep sharing videos, I have to show my kids!

I haven't heard anything about Exotic Wood Dreams either
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Just more pics...sorry guys i'm obsessed:51: I think only other Par-rents understand:)

I made him an instagram too @Shorty_macaw


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I am dying of cuteness! There is no cure!!!!!

Wow. I am now in love with macaws!
Bumble followed too [emoji170][emoji170]

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Aren't baby blue's the cutest things??? My baby is almost 8 months and the sweetest, funniest, chatterbox. They perfect little demonic angels ;). Love his cuteness!!!! I missed all my babies weaning because I got him from another state. But I can live those moments through you now lol. Keep us updated!!
cutest little thing I've ever seen!

His jump from the basket is so adorable! You're definitely "mama"

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