Beak Bubble??


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Hudson Valley, New York
Bartleby-Pearl Cockatiel
S'mores-Albino Parakeet
In my own opinion, this has got to be one of the most stupidest things ever made for birds: Parrots and - Beak Bubble

That's gotta be extremely uncomfortable. I can't imagine sticking my birds heads into those "muzzles" just to keep them from biting. It's completely unnecessary. All parrots bite, it's a natural thing for them to do. I would NOT recommend parrot owners to get these and use them becuase most likely it will not work out well.
I did notice they didn't make any claims as to this thing preventing the bird from biting you while you try to put this on him. ;)

LOL, if you try to put one of these on your bird, you deserve to get bitten.
You deserve to get covered in honey, rolled in seed then hung up in an aviary with 250 budgies! OUCH, trust me. If the bird is biting out of aggressiveness, then something is wrong in the first place, and a muzzle isn't going to stop that!

.. Wooow.

Words cannot describe how rediculous this is.
What has the world come to seriously people WTF
hmmm...why put a "beak bubble" on your bird when your bird stands so nicely for wing clipping and such as the birds in the pictures did? lmao... oh what people think of...

If you need one of these to stop your bird from biting you, then you should never have a bird in the first place. I don't care if you had the worst biting bird in the world, this is just completely cruel. Imagine how frightened the birds must be. Poor things, If I knew where they were, I would suggest we go and remove the birds from this 'designers' so called 'care', because this is just ridiculous. The worst part is this

"The Lord has allowed me to fulfill my dream of manufacturing the Beak
Bubble for Large and Medium size Parrots. We have manufactured the Beak
Bubble to be safe for the Parrots and be so easy to use for the owners."

This is this persons dream?!?! Seriously?!?! to terrify the bird?!?! The only thing this contraption is good for is destroying every crumb of trust you have ever built with a bird. Its rubbish.

Sorry for spouting off, but i agree with all of you, this thing is a joke. I would be ashamed to have designed that.
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OMG! That's all I can say.
it really is a shame what people come out with nowadays. Poor birds look caged and quite possibly scared.--that's no good.
I saw these yesterday.

Barbaric was the word that sprung to my mind. Way to earn your birds trust.
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I just can't believe the person selling these things, think they're harmless. Maybe we should make one and stick it on their heads, see how you feel. The nerve...
OMG! people are absolutely ridiculous.

If a bird is aggressive then throwing a bubble over its head to clip its wings and toenails isn't going to make it any less aggressive..... That is just wrong....
Well, I ordered it!

To wash my delicates in!
Lol, gc!! :32:
Great way to terrorize your property. I say this because anyone who'd use one must see their poor babies this way.

Although, I bet they could make quite a pretty penny, since Greycloud has a mighty good idea...
From an inventors point the concept is pretty ingenious, from the point of a bird lover we understand that it could be both pyhcologicaly and physiclly harmful, for those that want do their own grooming, save the $15.00 and use the toweling method, a lot less stressful and since just about eveyone already has a towel, pretty much free :)
From an inventors point the concept is pretty ingenious, from the point of a bird lover we understand that it could be both pyhcologicaly and physiclly harmful, for those that want do their own grooming, save the $15.00 and use the toweling method, a lot less stressful and since just about eveyone already has a towel, pretty much free :)

Well.....I dunno Bobby, don't know that we should even give them the 'inventors' credit. Coming from the design field, I can tell you that a true inventor does their research, learns the who, what and why of the design. This person has clearly done none of this. It might be fun to play golf with it though ;)

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