(Thanks Tex)


New member
Jan 15, 2007
Sisqo & GiGi-DYH & BF Amazons

Snow & Blue-Budgies
Thanks Tex for introducing me to It is such a great site to get things for your birds at really great prices. Plus the delivery is really fast and the free shipping makes it even better. I have a discount card for the bird store over here, ranging from 10% - 40% each item, and is still cheaper.

Every few weeks I go on there and order stuff for my yeah...thanks again for cluing me in on it.

For everyone in the US, I highly recommend it. Sorry, but I don't think they ship internationally.'s hamlet (and mac) doing with the playgym you got a few months ago?
That is a great site, Fancy not shipping internationally. :(
Tex is working tonight, so I will start the reply about the playstand...I'm sure he will comment more later :) They go up there only once in a while. Hamlet would rather be with mommy or daddy so he just gets antsy and noisey up there and Mac will occasionally fly to it when he wants a snack(we keep the bowl filled with pellets or seeds) but then he flys back. The best thing that it has been used for is Ham's potty stand. He goes there in the morning(Thank God we trained him to that) and whenever else during the day he remembers to tell us. Now working on getting Mac to do the same thing. They also sit on it when I am doing chores, but they don't seem to be interested in the toys we have for them. They just like to watch me. I wish they used it more:33:
They also sit on it when I am doing chores, but they don't seem to be interested in the toys we have for them. They just like to watch me. I wish they used it more:33:

Before I got the Java tree for mine, Bucc would only ever use the playstand for the potty times. He would never have food or toys on it. In the end got rid of that and got Java Tree, loves that will play and go potty, but still doesn't spend a lot of time on it. He would rather be helping me on the putor doing my work. :eek: :eek:
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I usually put Sisqo's dinner in the bowls on the stand, but he never really plays with the toys. Only every once in a while, and he always just sits on the top perch by the food bowls. I ordered a rope perch to go on it, and I'm going to re-arrange it to where his food bowls are a little bit lower. Maybe this way he can get some more exercise by climbing back and forth from the bowls to the top.

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