Bird’s vision


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
I remembered watching the full show and feel the seagull’s eyes
are located similar to a parrot’s.
I remembered watching the full show and feel the seagull’s eyes
are located similar to a parrot’s.
That's cool. Thanks for sharing. Birds are famous for their excellent vision and I often wonder about it.

It is typical for prey animals to have eyes more on the sides if their heads. Deer, rabbits, birds. They get a wider field of view of any predator trying to sneak up on them as the video showed.

Predators on the other hand have their eyes closer together facing forward. Dogs, cats, raptors, primates. It gives them better focus on a target.

Look at an eagles eyes, how close together they are. He doesn't have to worry about looking around for predators. He can spot a mouse from 2 miles away or a deer from 5 miles away. It's eyes are massive relative to its head. Our eyes would be the size of oranges if we had the same eye/head ratio. Furthermore the eagle has heaps more of its brain devoted to its eyes with a much greater optical nervous system than ours.

A bird can also see in many more frames per second than we can. This in turn helps them have lighting reflexes.
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There have been a few posts in the past wondering how parrots see.
I know at least some can see ultraviolet not sure if they all can.
But nothing shows how the world looks to a parrot quite like this.

Saw a documentary on raptors a while ago.
Said that they have two different (story can’t find the word) fovea (point of focus) . One is used when looking strait ahead, the other is more for looking to the side.
each point is super dense with the rods and cones .
People make due with one.

The way parrots look down from the side of their head makes me wonder if they also have Two points of focus in the retina.
There have been a few posts in the past wondering how parrots see.
I know at least some can see ultraviolet not sure if they all can.
But nothing shows how the world looks to a parrot quite like this.

Saw a documentary on raptors a while ago.
Said that they have two different (story can’t find the word) fovea (point of focus) . One is used when looking strait ahead, the other is more for looking to the side.
each point is super dense with the rods and cones .
People make due with one.

The way parrots look down from the side of their head makes me wonder if they also have Two points of focus in the retina.
That's true about raptors having two focus points. I think parrots probably have two as well the way they look up and down from the side of their heads
Ok I've finally figured out how to post youtube videos. Check this out.
This show is one I used to love watching as a child, it was a show targeted at kids to show them about science, nature and maths in a cool way.
Here he explains that all of the birds vision is in focus... Imagine that, like at wide television


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