Black capped conure owners, Help!


New member
Jun 26, 2013
Seattle, Washington
Lilo - Female Green Cheek Conure ~ Pal - male cockatiel ~ Pheobe - female cockatiel
So this may or may not happen but I found the cutest pair of conures on a parrot rescue site! One is Garry and he is a yellow sided Green Cheek Conure. And Al is a Blacked Capped Conure. I obviously know what green cheeks are like but what are Black Capped Conures like? Al and Garry are very timid of hands but from videos I have seen, they seem to just be shy. So any ideas? Thanks! :) :green: :green2:
The Black Capped are really pretty I think.
The ones I've ever seen at the bird store have been a bit smaller than a Green Cheek, so they're tiny! The word nippy came to mind, but then some are I'm sure are more that way than others just like GCC. I'm thinking they're probably very close in temperament to GCC being in the same Pyrrhura family. Good luck deciding.
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Thanks! I do think that they are very similar to GCC. They both together are $200. I think they are about 12 years old each.
I don't think there is really a diffrense.
I own a rose crowned conure who is also from the pyrrhura family.
Behaves the same.
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I would so so soooo LOVE to get them! But my parents are hesitant. :( I am really trying to persuade them because they are adorable! :) And I so love conures too!
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Oh and another question. Will they become hand tame? They are a bonded pair, two brothers. I have been able to hand tame a cockatiel before. I know that they aren't deathly afraid of hands and that they are just shy. And I know a great hand taming technique that I could try with them.
Depends on how wild they are. If they're bonded to each other and older adults who have never been "tame" I'd pass on this then. Parrots aren't like some smaller birds to tame. They'd be too difficult over too long a period, and never get to be be kind of pet you're probably looking for. Unless you go in with the mindset you'll be happy with them "as is".
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It looks like Garry likes to sit with people and get his head scratched. Where
Al the Black capped just fallows his lead and needs to be with him. And they do beg to get out of their cage a lot.... Maybe if you take it slow they will enjoy my company?
I have a bonded GCC and Black Cap pair and they are very similar. Since they bonded the Black Cap has become less scared of hands and the GCC has become more nippy. I can also say that neither is as cuddly as they used to be. I'm not allowed to pet them much anymore though they both hop on me & preen me.
I guess the question would be what is your definition of hand tame and what level of it you would be willing to accept.
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Well I at least want them to sit on my hand without flying away. And when im on the computer for them to just sit with me. I have Lilo if I want to cuddle a bird. I want them to like me.
it will take some time but it is possible.
My parents bought me and yellow sides that was about a year already and lived his whole live in a garage for my birthday.
He was really scared of my alarm ,computer you name it he had never seen it.
But we are 4 moths later and he has made progress.
He comes on my hand when i got a treat,gives me a kiss for a treat.
He doesn't stay long on my hands yet but it will come,and he likes sleeping on my computer screen by me.
And since this week he has taken to sitting on the head end of my chair and preen me.
So it can take some time maybe a year but i believe it will be possible to tame them ,just not in the cuddly kind.
But even trough he isn't tame he is such a joy,he tries to get my attention in the cage by dancing.
And he is always playing ,he love to hang of things,he is such a joy to watch.
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Aww he sounds adorable! So I just want to know if there is hope and it sounds like there is! Thank you for replying and the help! :) I check to see if they are still there every day and so far yes!

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