Blue Fronted Amazon needs training


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Port Alberni, BC
I have a blue fronted amazon
my parrot that I've had for four years, I'm the only owner needs some training. I've recently retired and I now have time to spend with him. He's/She's (?) not very well trained. He will attack me if he's on his cage but he won't attack my husband. At times he's also attacked me while I was filling up his food bowl
He won't take food from my hand and doesn't like to be rubbed on the back of his neck so I'm a bit at a stand still.
Any suggestions would be appreciated

I'd like to get a second bird but I don't think that would go over very well as I don't want to stress this bird out. Any suggestions on how to introduce a new bird or should I just forget about it?
I'd suggest working with your amazon first because if you're hoping to tame the other bird, it's likely to pick up your amazons attitudes and habits to you... leaving you with two narky birds.

Just persist with patient training is really all I can say. Sit with him, talk to him. How is he with your husband?
It sounds to me like he has bonded with your husband. If that is the case, the bird may never take to you. Amazons are a funny species when it comes to who they like and who they don't like or at best tollerate. I'm afraid from the way it sounds, your best hope will be for him to build up a tollerance for you, but if you can get more than that out of him then that would be great too.

If you want a bird of your own, I would go for it. But I wouldn't get another amazon. I would go for something like a Conure, Senegal, Meyers or Pionus. Maybe even a African Grey. But what ever you get, you need to be the one that spends the most time with the other bird. But also socialize him a lot, which I think was missing from your current bird.

When I say amazons are a funny species, what I mean is, amazons are like geniuses of the bird world and being a genius, they are very tempermental and if he feels he's being ignored by you, he will punish you by being aggressive, biting or just ignoring you back.

Check out You Tube, (Yep, I know, no I don't own stock in the company, eventhough I like to suggest it), for training videos. They have a wealth of training information on You Tube that is free and also links where you can get indepth training DVD's and books.
I'd suggest working with your amazon first because if you're hoping to tame the other bird, it's likely to pick up your amazons attitudes and habits to you... leaving you with two narky birds.

My amazon loves me and tolerates everyone else and his attitude hasn't rubbed off on any of the other birds in the house. Amazons are just different. I love my Bean and in my eyes he's a perfect little trouble maker... To everyone else he is fun to watch from a distance.

I say get another parrot that you can bond with. Continue to work with your amazon though, so that way if there are times when you have to do cage cleaning or feeding, you two at least have a mutual respect for each other.
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he's really good with my husband. he LOVES him. My husband spends less time than I do with the bird. I'm trying to spend more time with him and give him treats that he likes (cheese) when he steps up for me. Hopefully this will work
My boyfriend also is able to give treats and hold Bean, but when I walk in the room his attitude changes. Bean is pretty well mannered when I am not around, but if I am around I am the only one he wants to be near. Your amazon sounds pretty close to being like mine, and I can tell you, no matter how many treats and love you give him, he probably will still only tolerate you. :(
I have (had) a blue front that I adopted around 18mo old who is now 9yrs. He liked me at first but after awhile I could see that he liked me less and less. As time went on, he bonded with my mother. She could do anything to him, turn him upsidedown, hang him by his foot, the whole show. I caold barly feed him without risking a finger. I spent so much time with him and my mom would just give him a treat now and again. He is now happy as can be living with my mom. He just looked so sad when I took him away from her. I didnt mind taking him back home he's happy.... Long story short. I think blue fronts pick their people and they may decide to never like you. You can try to train them but with me it wasn't ment to be. He just decided to hate me :( I still visit him. As soon as he sees me, his tail is fanned, eyes pinned, and the hair on his head is on ends. I just say hi and offer a treat after he lunges at me.... Silly guy.
I also think it would be ok to get another bird as long as you don't start to treat him as "the other bird".

It seems like its your husband he likes. If he sees you with a bird, he might just think GOOD NOW LEAVE US ALONE!!

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