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  • #21
Still haven't received the cage. But it is in Columbus Ohio right now. Hopefully I will have it on Tuesday. Getting very excited. I am going to go ahead and order the larger cage soon and have it sent to my grandmothers in AZ so it will be there ready to go. But I bought some toys for this one and I am getting perches. I will have my Eclectus in just about one month from now. That is not a lot of time. But I am stoked. Right now I am looking at making my own shower perches and a car perch. Gives me something to do.
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  • #23
What did you decide on? Are you getting a male or female?

Most people have told me that the males are not as moody as the females. But a little moodiness does not bother me so much. I contacted my breeder and told her that I prefer a male but if, from the babies she is currently hand rearing, all she has are females, then I would be just as happy. She is going to do what she can to get me a male, but either way... I am excited. I will be purchasing him/her on the 1st and will have pictures for you all around that time. And I will have him/her on or around the 1st of March. I am super excited.
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  • #24
Ok, I got my cage today. I love it. The quality is great and I even like the color. I didn't think I would, but I do. Once I get it set up I will take some pics. I know its a little small, but it is a good starter, and will be a home away from home once I move to AZ and get the new cage. Luckily the cage was cheap. :)
We really liked that style of cage too. The concerns we had was nowhere to hang toys from above? , and the upper tray blocking some light to them. Love the upper tray for catching stuff. Haven't seen one in person. Looks great!
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  • #27
We really liked that style of cage too. The concerns we had was nowhere to hang toys from above? , and the upper tray blocking some light to them. Love the upper tray for catching stuff. Haven't seen one in person. Looks great!

You can actually take the upper tray out with no problems to give more light when they are inside the cage, or even leave it out if you just don't want it in there. And there is room for one toy to hang, which I realize is not a lot. But I figure I will be occupying him a lot as well. It really is a nice cage. And if you want they have other options as well for the play top I believe. If I can find their website I will send it to you. And they have the same play tops larger. I love it, I am going to get another one just like it I think, just a little larger.
Nice cage...I was also looking at something similar...I like the double layers on top for them to climb. We have some thing similar right now, but it's 24 x24 so I want to go bigger. I hang some toys off the ladder rungs. Our Quaker loved that!
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  • #29
Nice cage...I was also looking at something similar...I like the double layers on top for them to climb. We have some thing similar right now, but it's 24 x24 so I want to go bigger. I hang some toys off the ladder rungs. Our Quaker loved that!

yeah, this cage is about 24/24 so I am already looking at a new cage for AZ. but you can get a brand new one from 36/24 roughly that I am getting. Not right now, but soon. My boy is still 2 to 4 months and won't spend a lot of time without me there period. I even have been talking to my college teachers about staying home a couple days to take care of him. All are supportive. lol. When I do get my final cage it will be larger. I don't move until May though.
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  • #31

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