caique eggs do not hatch


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Dec 28, 2023
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I am the proud owner of a pair of black-headed caiques. 4 years ago, at the age of 9, the couple began laying eggs. But, unfortunately, laying fertilized eggs once a year, they freeze 2 days before hatching. Tell me, what could it be.?
What do you mean by ‘ freeze’? Do the birds stop sitting on them? Or do the eggs just stop developing?
What do you mean by ‘ freeze’? Do the birds stop sitting on them? Or do the eggs just stop developing?

The embryos die 2-3 days before hatching or they stop developing
The embryos die 2-3 days before hatching or they stop developing
Hmmm that is strange. Unfortunately it’s hard to know for sure. Late deaths can be caused by a number of things including: dirty/contaminated eggs, improper turning, improper humidity, and even a lethal gene carried by one or both parents. Sorry I can’t be of more help 😕.
Хм, это странно. К сожалению, это трудно сказать наверняка. Поздняя смерть может быть вызвана рядом причин, в том числе: грязными/загрязненными яйцами, неправильным переворачиванием, неправильной влажностью и даже смертельным геном, переносимым одним или обоими родителями. Извините, больше ничего не могу помочь 😕.
Anyway thank you very much

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