Can you help identify love bird type / breed?


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Aug 9, 2015
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I am a very excited first time owner of a baby love bird, Jellybean. I hope the attached images are clear enough for someone to assist in identifying the type / breed of lovebird that has joined our family. I purchased today - however there was a language barrier and I didn't understand the breed name that was given to me.

The bird is approx 9 weeks old. Mostly grey - however the long tail feathers are blue.
Can you also guess what colour face he/ she might end up with? Will the body colour remain the same after the first molt? We are very excited as a family to have this wonderful bird in our home - and any information you can give us to know our bird better would be greatly appreciated.
Hello and welcome to the forum! Jellybean is gorgeous!
I can't help you with your questions, but I'm sure someone will be able to:)
Glad you joined us!
Its a very small photo but it doesn't look like a personatus or Fischer to me.

Therefore I'd guess a mauve ( Double dark factor blue) Peachfaced
I can't answer your question, but you have an adorable little Lovie!

Welcome to the forums!
Thanks to all who have answered! Still hoping for more information. We are just loving him and trying to imagine what he will look like as a mature bird.
How cute! It looks like a Peachface to me. It will be a surprise what color mutation will reveal itself upon maturity! Please keep us updated :).
It looks like a peach-face lovebird. I have two that look just like Jellybean. However, when they bred, I have two more that look like yours and one with a great deal of yellow on him. Mine stayed that color, but as they matured, their heads turned white. I'll see if I can find pictures.
What a cutie. She looks like a peach face lovebird (not sure what mutation, so better leave to the experts). I hope you have a lot of fun with her. :D

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