Carol was happily strolling down the road when..

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She could look in her crystal ball and figure out where carol was. So they headed to evil Trish's house which was made of eggshell, and brought Fargo along for protection and entertainment.
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Their biggest problem was Trish had set three vigorous, dangerous and deathly trials as protection for her home! The first being..
getting past the beaks with out giving them a treat! The second was even more scary, as they had to...
Squeeze through a coffee can sized hole, after they get past the beaks, and slip into her house. There, they have to...
get Fargo and the Beaks and Mishka to compete in an egg-and-spoon race. The winner would
finally get to talk to the evil witch Trish with her crystal ball, to see where Carol is so that they could get to her...

Well, everyone finally got through all the trials including the egg-and-spoon race, and between Fil, Mac, Fargo, The Beaks, and Mishka, guess who the winner was? IT WAS...
the evil witch Trish, who beat them all by casting a spell on them that made them...
shriek 'Hello' in seventeen different languages! Suddenly, every fid from arrived in one huge flock and began dancing Gangnam Style on the roof. Trish just smiled, packed up her crystal ball and said 'My work here is done'. Tab showjumped her way out of the kerfuffle and Wendy was still glued to the Superbowl replays. It remained for Mikey to
try and find Carol!!

She was still missing on that island!

Everyone realised that they had to go on a mission to find her.. Macaman was getting very upset that his mum was gone, so although they were all talking in different languages and dancing on the roof, they headed off to...
By the way... Is this what we have so far? ;) Bit of confusing character intertwining hahahahaha It's like a tv soap opera :p
Search trish's house for clues, then discovered a cauldron full of magic seeds. They then decided to...
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To use these seeds as bargaining chips for a ship! They met a pirate Jack a Sparrow ;) and asked if he would search the sea with them in return for the magic seeds!

Only thing left was to find a crew so they headed to..
Disneyland, where they asked 101 dalmations to crew their ship. The pups were thrilled, and asked if they could...
bring along Mickey Mouse as well... ;)

But Fil and Mickey both wanted to be the captains of the ship, so they had to settle it by...
seeing who could eat the most red hot chili peppers. Sadly, they both got far too sick to captain a ship and it was decided to
Strike a bargain with the dolphins in the water to guide the ship in exchange for a few magic seeds. The dolphins agreed and started moving the ship towards...
the island where they knew Carol was.... when they got to the island and Mac FINALLY saw his mom again, to his shock and disappointment, she was busy having an affair with guess who?! It was
Dave Womach! He kept yelling CUTIEEEE all the time, which deafened everyone. There was only one sensible solution. They had to
kidnap him and tell Carol he had decided to leave for Antarctica..

Carol was heartbroken, but she was glad to see everyone, although she had no idea who most of the people were ;)

Carol gave Mac a big hug and noticed...
that he now had fins under his wings! She said...
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