Cockatiel behavior


New member
Jul 31, 2015
New York
Parakeet: Pineapple
Cockatiels: Smokey, Cinder
Smokey (male) has been mating with my other cockatiel, Cinder. He is usually a sweet and nice bird, but recently he's been attacking me a lot. He lunges at me when I am changing the food in the cage, or just when I'm around the cage in general.
I recently adopted another female cockatiel, who lives with the other cockatiels, and he has been lunging at her too.

What should I do? I'm thinking he's acting this way because he's hormonal, but will he ever become the sweet little guy he was before?
Usually once the birds mating season has finished they return to the nice bird demeanor. But also the fact that you have another cockatiel in the cage with him he may feel threatened, consequently attaching her. So if you have another cage i recommend that you put your new cockatiel in there until the mating season ends.
If they have a nest or nest box it will definitely cause the lunging and attacking other birds. If he's away from his nest box he should stop it and turn into the bird you remember.

My male lutino Lucky likes to tap with his beak. we have a play-gym in the house and when he flies around the house he usually lands on or next to the gym.
sorry for the blurry pic, it's the best I got.
View attachment 15770

He will use his beak and bang it down on something solid, TAP...TAP...TAP...TAP...TAP. If he is on something soft like the back of the recliner he will do the same thing but use his toe-nail as the taping surface.

Has anyone else seen this behavior in there cockatiels ?
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He is defending his mate and his territory. Please remove the extra hen for her own safety, and take steps to control his hormone levels. Cockatiels are not seasonal breeders, so this will likely be an ongoing battle.

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