Need help with my three cockatiels


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Dec 20, 2024
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Cockatiels,Mynah bird and Indian Ringneck
Hello everyone this is my first time posting in any sort of thread,just registered and signed up to ask for help as I can't sleep without worries(since this is my first time having cockatiels),English isn't my first English and I live in a third world country.I have three cockatiels named Pikachu ,Raichu and Weiss.Pikachu is a yellow male cockatiel, Wiess is a female white cockatiel and Raichu has a same colour palette as pikachu and I assume her to be female as she isn't very vocal like a male cockatiel should.So first things first, I had some health issues with my cockatiels and tried to visit a vet in area(there's no avian specialist vet in my country to my knowledge),Pikachu's feathers looked rough and he likes to chew on his little small feathers even tho I gave them some things to chew such a calcium block,chew toys and some veggies,Weiss had inflammation in her legs and her toes looked to be twice the size of my two other cockatiels and Raichu had several health issues when I bought her(she had almost no feathers and looked malnourished) and I immediately brought her to a vet before(I brought the other two for check up as well and they were all fine) but while raichu also recovered,grown alot of feathers and gained fat,she still hasn't recovered her neck.A vet i visited just yesterday told me that pikachu had no problems,gave weiss some anti inflammatory meds around her toes prescribed medication for her and Raichu needed more nutrition mainly Omega 3 so he told me gave a supplement of omega 3 and supplement of vitamins in their drinking waters once a week or so.After a vet visit,everything was fine when they came back to their cage but starting at night yesterday,Pikachu became alot more friendly and normally he is a very feisty boy(even my cats are scared of him ) who doesn't like being petted or handled(he does come onto my hand when I encourage him to),he also came flying to my head and shoulders and sticked near me alot more now which has never happened before unless I was holding his treats like mealworms or millet sprays.Weiss was normal as usual but seemed alot more sleepy and Raichu was also the usual.Their diets are rotated between dried seeds and veggies each day.They are cage free most of the time and usually go back into the cage themselves when they want to sleep.They also share the same space and room with my Indian Ringneck named Morgan and two cats.Sometimes I bring my Mynah bird from the other room for visit.Please feel free to ask me for details and criticise me if needed.I want to keep them as happy as I can.
Your birds are out of the cage all day with two cats in the room? You trust your cats that much? I'm sorry but keeping cats and birds together, especially small birds like cockatiels, is tempting Mother Nature in a way that's unfair to both the birds and the cats. Cats have very strong hunting instincts and love to hunt for birds.
Your birds are out of the cage all day with two cats in the room? You trust your cats that much? I'm sorry but keeping cats and birds together, especially small birds like cockatiels, is tempting Mother Nature in a way that's unfair to both the birds and the cats. Cats have very strong hunting instincts and love to hunt for birds.
ah no my cats are very much under watch.I'm basically have work from home job.i'm in the room most of the time along with them.Of course I kick out my cats when I need to leave and tell one of my maids to keep a watch on my room.I also have two doors blocking the cats' way in when I'm out.One at the stairs(imagine a basement door) and one for the room.So them getting to the birds when I'm out is not really possible.Plus my two cats ( can't say the same for my dog so I don't let him in my bird room at all)
really lazy and have bells on their necks.So the birds always know when the cat is near.Also My Indian Ringneck really hates being in the cage(unless its open) despite being big as he tries to destroy everything inside to break free and screams like a banshee.
tho rather than the cat issue.i would like to focus on the health issues of my cockatiels if you would.
Regarding Pikachu suddenly deciding he wanted to be your friend, Congratulations! You passed the test! Sometimes it takes a while to win a bird's trust and Pikachu has decided he trusts you, so enjoy your new BFF. One of my budgies recently did the same thing after many months of avoiding close contact. It's a rewarding feeling, isn't it?
it is indeed but however I read that usually after vet visit, cockatiels tend to be go in a corner for a day and recover from exhaustion of being handled.Hence Pikachu suddenly becoming friendly and grooming my hair after a vet visit in the same day had me extremely worried that something was wrong
Weiss and Raichu were the same as they were and Pikachu was the only one acting extremely friendly all of the sudden after what would be a trauma experience for a bird
ah no my cats are very much under watch.I'm basically have work from home job.i'm in the room most of the time along with them.Of course I kick out my cats when I need to leave and tell one of my maids to keep a watch on my room.I also have two doors blocking the cats' way in when I'm out.One at the stairs(imagine a basement door) and one for the room.So them getting to the birds when I'm out is not really possible.Plus my two cats ( can't say the same for my dog so I don't let him in my bird room at all)
really lazy and have bells on their necks.So the birds always know when the cat is near.Also My Indian Ringneck really hates being in the cage(unless its open) despite being big as he tries to destroy everything inside to break free and screams like a banshee.
I just hope your birds are safe. Can your birds fly well or are ther wings trimmed? It's very important that they can fly well so they can quickly get away if one of the cats gets too close.

I also let some of my birds (budgies) fly free in the room when I'm not home and they would be upset if I locked them in their cages.

Yes,my cockatiels and Mynah are not trimmed but my redneck was when I bought him from a breeder.Hence why I leave someone like a maid or a younger cousins to come to my room and let them do whatever they want on my computer and TV to play games and watch netflix with snacks in exchange for keeping watch when I need to be gone from home.If I am a trip or such,I leave them to my older cousin who is also a work from home to keep watch since I heard that birds can die from loneliness.I don't need to worry about them escaping with her since her room in the basement with also double doors(she doesn't have any pets aside from fish).My Redneck is also very territorial so he doesn't let anyone come near him(except for humans) without biting
despite being flightless,my redneck also doesn't like being petted or stroked unless he's resting his head backwards which he seems to like?
Weiss and Raichu were the same as they were and Pikachu was the only one acting extremely friendly all of the sudden after what would be a trauma experience for a bird
Fortunately, not all cockatiels react badly to a vet visit. Some bounce right back. Years ago my cockatiel Charlie had an accident and his entire tail was pulled out! He screamed and struggled to the perch while blood dripped off his bare butt. I was very stressed out studying for law school final exams. I wrapped him on a towel, stuffed him in a carrier and drove to the nearest 24 hour animal hospital that took care of birds (I can't believe I found one) and left him there to be treated, observed, and cared for for a full week while i took my finals. I couldn't bear to look at him suffering with a bloodied, scabbed tailless bum! The vet techs told me that Charlie was fine within hours, and entertained everyone with his whistling and chattering like nothing had happened. When I brought him home a week later, pin feathers were already poking out where his beautiful long tail had been. He breezed through the entire experience at the animal hospital as cheerful as ever- no grudges!

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