Connecting Cages


Sep 26, 2013
2 Budgies!
*Who hate people
Hey, has anyone here tried to connect cages together/succeeded?

I would like two smaller cages on top of my flight cage to give my budgies more room to move around (since its bombed with toys, but they do get to spend the entire day out if they choose to).
I'm also thinking about trying to get them to breed, so maybe more room is better(?) since I'll be putting in two types of nests away from eachother.

I'll post pics later.

Thank you guys!
(if you guys did connect, could I see pics?)
Wouldn't you do better to put the toys in the smaller cages and allow your flight cage to be just that: a flight cage? Or, if your birds are out most of the day, most of the toys could be outside on their playgym or wherever it is they spend their time. I fell into the trap of filling my lovebirds' cage too full of toys and they were unable to use all the space to the fullest. Now, they have fewer toys, but are much happier in being able to fly about the cage.
You can always take a few toys out and just swap them around now and then =) pics could be helpful, Its a bit hard to visualize what you want...
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Wouldn't you do better to put the toys in the smaller cages and allow your flight cage to be just that: a flight cage?

I did! The bottom is pretty much empty space where they can fly around! Of course, tomorrow, when the sun is out, Ill have (probably) some crappy pics :/

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