Conure Behavior Help ?


New member
Mar 5, 2013
Sun Conure
Hi there !:)
I have a question about my sun conure, Puff.( and you'll see why i've named him "puff") I have had him for about a week or so now , and every time i walk to his cage he then Puffs up, and goes to his bowl while hes still Puffed up , and starts eating in a "pecking motion." It's cute , and makes him look like a little orangey yellow bear with wings. But i still can not figure out WHY... he's about 2 years old , i adopted him from a family he got on my finger the second day , or night per-say that i've had him, but it was only for a few seconds , after i gave him his peanut for being a good boy , he got off. I havent held him after that , but he does get out of his cage daily . Can anyone help with this behavior ? Or tell me what it means? Thank you .:orange: <3

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