Conure Training?


New member
Nov 23, 2024
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Not sure what to title this, but im sure if you read this you'll get the jist. Ive wanted a conure since i was super young and at the start of the year I went and got one. What I didnt know at the time was that the one we bought wasnt hand reared. Anyways, i called him cooper and hes been super loud and adorable, I love him, but im convinced he doesnt feel the same? I recently got him to do step ups but over all he hates my hands, and is absolutely terrified of them. I dont know why, I thought it mightve been because i used to try to guide him to his cage with them but ive recently stopped doing that and not much has changed. I just wanna be able to pet him and let him socialise with me more but it feels like he doesnt want anything to do with me. I do reward him with millet and hes got toys (Which i need to get more of) is there anything that im missing its been like 8 months and it feels like i havent acheived much.


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Everything with birds take time, lots of time. Don't expect to get these things overnight, it's more like weeks or months. They need to trust you before they really open up. It took me seven weeks of visiting my very young Sun Conure everyday before he was totally comfortable with me. And he picked me as his human to boot.

Take your time, sit next to its cage and read to it. Just talk in a calm voice. Give it treats through the bars. In time it will come around.

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