Conure is demanding?


New member
Jan 11, 2021
Green cheek conure

I was wondering if anyone knew why my green cheek conure is acting like this, when she's in her cage she's quiet and plays with her toys but as soon as she is out, she starts chirping and doesn't stop, she's not hungry and I don't know what is wrong...

She isn't looking for my attention either as she avoids my fingers if I try to pet her,. And if I bring her into my room where her second cage is and place her there, she still continues making her little conures noises, only stopping once back in her cage downstairs... She only started doing this two days ago and she's been with me for a little over 3 weeks. :06:

Anyone have a similar ordeal???
Welcome to the forum! France!! Wow! Glad yiu joined great people.

I'm kinda focused on sick burds right now. But others will stop in with advice im sure
Welcome to the conure's world. She must be settling in and is telling you how thrilled she is to be in your company. They are flock birds so thrive when in company and you are her flock. Syd is the same and chirps so happily when he is out and about the house even if he is not flying but just velco'd onto my shoulder or somewhere.

They are inquisitive and love to investigate anything and everything. Learn to love the sound of her conversation it is a sign that she is becoming confident and starting to love you. Don't shut her away - get some ear defenders instead. :)
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Oh alright, thanks for the reply, I was worried she might need something in particular that I was missing, but if she's only happily chirping than that's fine :)
if it's happy chirps and not a three screach CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP, then it's just a conure being a conure.
I haven't read this whole thing yet lol- but, as a rule, parrots are VERY demanding (which is why it's so important that you work with them, read body language, don't spoil them--while still providing many hours out of the cage, talking to them room-to-room, avoiding hormonal triggers like snuggle huts and shadowy spaces (PERIOD), petting on the head and neck only--excluding unweaned babies and young birds who may need to learn to lift a wing for a vet, teaching them to play with toys, 10 hours of sleep on a set schedule like a kid etc.

SOrry to reply and run but I wanted to put this out there-- sorry if I am covering anything redundant or if you already knew this-- like I said- skimmed but have to go and didn't get a chance to read it all.

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