Conure thinks my limbs aren't part of me; has begun to charge and bite


New member
Aug 11, 2014
I've had this sun conure for about a year now. She regards me as her mate. This isn't the first time I've owned a sun conure; I had one before for about 8 years before it passed away. This is the first time, however, that I've been the first owner. I've probably spoiled her; she starts screaming at 7am and the only thing that can stop her is me taking her into my bed, folding a pillow into a "tent" and sticking her there to minimize the chances of me hurting her in my sleep. Up until now this worked; she would fall asleep next to me until about 10 or 11am when she would get restless and start playing with my hair.

But the other day I was awoken this time by her charging and biting my elbow, and then shoulder. Before she'd bite my feet, which was easy enough to keep away from her, but she'd never done this before. Now at all hours of the day she'll bite my elbow, thigh, or pretty much any exposed skin apart from my face and torso. I just don't understand how she can't connect that my elbow is part of the same limb that my hand (which she's okay with) is on; that my thigh is connected to my torso, which is all a part of her mate! I suspect this may be hormonal; she's relatively young.

What can I do???


New member
Jun 16, 2014
First, stop putting her in your bed. You are encouraging her to be hormonal and she's biting you because you won't get in the nest you helped her make. She knows your arm is you. She's just mad/horny.

She needs to sleep in a cage. If she wakes up early, try a darkening cover or a darkening window cover...however 11 am is really late to expect a bird to sleep. 8 am is about the best you can hope for.


New member
Sep 14, 2013
Columbus, GA
Eclectus, CAG, BH Pionus, Maximilian’s Pionus, Quakers, Indian Ringnecks, Green Cheeked Conures, Black Capped Conures, Cockatiels, Lovebirds, Budgies, Canaries, Diamond Doves, Zebra Finches, Society F
I wholeheartedly agree! This is not confusion, it is hormonal behavior which you have caused.. Making a "tent" is actually making a "nest" in her mind, and you are essentially leading her on sexually. Also, it is NEVER ok to sleep with your bird. Not too long ago a heartbroken member posted a warning about this - after he had killed his bird in bed in his sleep. Not safe at all.

Also agreed, parrots cannot be expected to sleep that late, tey tend to get up with the sun. If you work late and absolutely must sleep that late you need to invest in a sleep cage that can be covered 100% by a cover dark and thick enough to block out all light until you get up. Be advised however that leaving your bird in the dark too long will simply serve to teach it to scream even in the dark, which is very frustrating. My suggestion is to, if at all possible, alter your own schedule to more reasonably fit that of the pet you chose, and get up closer to when the sun rises. Whatever you choose though, you MUST stop bringing her to bed. Also, do not be angry with her for her bites. she is simply reaction in a reasonable fashion the the sexual signals you are sending.

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