Coqui's Big Adventure


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Middlebury, VT
CAG Quincy - BD 3/27/00. Gotcha 6/00 ~ GW Macaw Savannah - BD 6/21/93. Gotcha 4/13 ~ B&G Macaw Coqui - BD 9/3/03. Gotcha 10/13 ~ Blue Crown Conure Sidney - BD Unknown Approx 5 Years Old. Gotcha 6/15/
We had quite the adventure picking up Coqui. I unfortunately started out first thing with the runs (sorry if TMI) but nothing was going to stop me from picking her up yesterday. A lot of planning went into this! Marcus went to grandmas. Morgan went to a friends after school for a play date and the trailer was reserved! None the less, I was still very excited and felt fine otherwise.

We got a late start as my tire pressure light came on in my car. So we had to stop at work to check that and get gas as well. My hubby is a UHAUL dealer but they didn't have the trailer size we needed around us, so we had to pick that up on the way which added another 20 minutes on. We really wanted to get to Coqui's by 1pm so we could pick up Morgan by 6pm. It was tight, but we made it. Only had a stop for a stretch break and a quick stop for lunch. We were there by 1 and done by 2.

It was a very emotional pick up which I expected. But everyone got through it and we got packed in about an hour. Linda was nice enough to get Coqui in her carrier 15 minutes before I got there. It is one of those really nice acrylic carriers. It was narrow enough that I could put Coqui on my lap. She seemed to respond well to me. I couldn't really pet her but she kept coming up to my hand. She also kept saying "Hola", which was very cute! She said a couple other things I couldn't quite make out.

I started feeling a bit achy and got a headache a little after us leaving. So I wasn't feeling any better. We stopped only twice on the way home for bathroom breaks (surprisingly enough, LOL) but Coqui was so done with that box by time we got home. Which I don't blame her. She paced off and on during the trip but talking to her softly and rubbing my hand on the carrier seemed to calm her down. I also played my kids lullaby CD during the drive to keep the music soft and comforting.

We got home about 6:20pm. She came right out of her carrier on to her perch for me. I tried my arm, but she just stared at it and did a growling noise. Ok, not ready for that! But again, she hopped right onto her perch and came right out. I put her on one of her play gyms in the dinning room to keep her away from the caos of seeing my birds and the moving of her cage.
We had to take her cage apart and put it back together to get it into the house. But that cage was great! So easy to take apart and put back together. I was thankful for that. I brought Savannah to see her in the dinning room and they both puffed up. It was clear, they weren't sure what to think of each other.

After we got her in her cage (about 7:30pm), I spent some time with Savannah and then once I had them all in the room they both squaked for awhile and Quincy would put his 2 cents in now and then with a few words. I love that Quincy knows how to communicate with words rather then noise! LOL! I chose not to take Quincy out of his cage last night because I knew he would feel more secure in his cage.

I turned the lights off at 8pm and all was quiet. Ahhhh.....peace. :th_biggrin: I then went upstairs, helped get the kids ready for bed and went to bed myself about 10 min to 9pm. It was a long day and I was so ready to get some sleep and feel better!

I woke up feeling much better this morning. It was clear to me that Savannah is feeling very insecure right now. Very needy and more aggressive then usual. I know with time that will pass. She came to the store with me today. So she will have some one on one time with me, which she is enjoying! Quincy bit me this morning going back to his cage. I predicted that would happen. LOL! I am being considerate to all of there feeling as I know this is a BIG change in there life. Again, with time, this too shall pass.

I let Coqui out of her cage this morning, she was ready. Put her on her play gym in the bird room. Not thinking anything of it. Well she flew to her cage (it's only a few feet) and climbed right on top! Ugh! I really wanted to avoid that. It took me 10 minutes to get her down. I needed to because I needed to go to work. I gave her a little while, but she was still up there. I finally attempted to get her on her perch. Nope, that's not happening. I used another perch, hoping to get her on hers. Nope, still not happening. Tried the towel. Nope, still not happening. Had to pull her cage out so I could access both sides. The problem with Macaw cages is they are so ginormous that it's hard to reach them up there. By this time she is pretty aggravated at me. LOL! Finally she comes down to her door and I was able to get her on my perch. Not that she was willing, but it happened anyway. The best part of this little story is she let me pet her for a bit before I put her in her cage and she totally calmed down.

Once in her cage I softly told her "Kiss, Kiss". Linda had told me that she becomes a sweetheart when you say that. Well it worked like a charm. She came right over and let me give her scratches on the head. I pet her quite a few times more before leaving for work. She did try biting me a couple of times without success. Sneaky little girl! LOL! She did get me once, but nothing to write home about and I told her to be gentle. She was. She is a sweet girl. Just scared right now.

So, not to make a long story short. He He! All is good and everyone is settling in. I know tensions may be high for awhile until everyone knows where they stand, but I know with time and patience things will be back to normal and all my birdie babies will be happy.

Sorry I wrote a book. :D
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Sounds like things are going great!

I bet Savannah will feel better after going to work with you :) special time with mommy lol
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Yes, she does. She is enjoying hanging out. :D

Here are the pics I tried to post from my phone last night.




I had her out of her cage last night and totally spaced taking photos. But more will follow! :D
You wrote no book, Blanca, I loved reading each and every bit of it. :)

Firstly, I am SO glad you are feeling better!!!

I am amazed that you got to pet Coqui already and that she responded to "kiss kiss." :eek: That is one AWESOME start to a lifelong relationship.

Yes, it's to be expected that Quincy and Savannah will be on edge for a little while. It was the same for me when I brought Ripley home. I had 4 parrots gawking at each other, bug eyed and all. Some fluffed, some growled, others just stared in horror, HAHAHAHHA (it was Sam who stared in horror).

I made sure and gave everyone equal attention and never made a big deal out of the fact that there was this new, big, red guy. :) I continued on as normal as possible, and everyone settled right back in within 2 weeks or so. And that is exactly how long the honeymoon period lasted with Ripley, too. :54:

Can't wait for further updates....AND pictures!!! Pretty please as time permits. :D
Love hearing that everything went so well! It's great that you got to take Savannah with you to work! I'm sure she will enjoy some "mommy" time!
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Wendy - Thank you so much for sharing how your birds reacted when Ripley came home. It gives me an idea of how long the adjustment period may take. I know each situation is different but at least I know it will get better. Love your description how they reacted! LOL!

I hope to go home early today to spend some time with all my fids. I will be sure to take more pics! :D

Brainlinkles - Thank you! Savannah is definitely enjoying her day at work today. More then usual! ;)
What an adventure! Blanca, I couldn't find your thread where you told us how you found, and finally decided to bring home Coqui.
Next time try using the perch inching towards her, she'll come down. Willie who have never gotten jealous with any bird before got jealous when Lola came around....
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Thanks Mikey - I will try that next time! Part of the problem is even on a step ladder I still couldn't reach her all the way across the cage because it is 3 feet wide. So it was hard to keep up with her because she would get too far away. I may need to get a taller step ladder. I'm only 5 feet 4 inches tall. :p

So I spent 3 half hour sessions with Coqui this afternoon. When I got home she was in her nervous mode of rocking back and forth and all puffed up. I gave her the opportunity to come out on her perch. She just stayed on her door perch so I closed her door and let her stay in her cage. I figured she was not ready to come out so I wasn't going to push the issue. I talked to her for 30 minutes and half way into to her our talk she was letting me pet her head and play with her tongue. I do find that when the kids come into the room she goes to nervous mode (rocking back and forth and puffed up) and begins to lunge at me when they are around. But I don't react and just talk to her calmly. For now, I am trying to keep the kids out of the room when I'm sitting with her. That seems to help. She also did it when my hubby came home. Again, she calmed down when he left the room. She is not used to having kids or other birds around. It was just Linda, Luis and their cats. So she is going to need some time to get used to her new environment.

Here are some pics I took while sitting with her.


Hanging out!

This is not a very good picture, She is upside down and I am playing with her tongue. It was hard to take pictures with one hand on my phone! LOL! Brad tried, but when he came into the room, Coqui wasn't so cudly anymore.

A nice scratch!


I love this pic!
Poke the stick through the cage bars going towards the top. Then you wouldn't have to worry about getting a ladder. ;)
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Oh, hadn't thought of that. I will definitely try that. Thanks! :D

Of course, I am going to try to avoid her getting up there in the first place if I can help it. But it's always good to have a plan, because we all know it WILL happen again! LOL!
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What an adventure! Blanca, I couldn't find your thread where you told us how you found, and finally decided to bring home Coqui.

I found Coqui here on Parrot Forums. Her owners Linda and Luis were looking to rehome her way back in May. It was just too early for me back then because I had only had Savannah for a month and my hubby felt 2 was enough. Linda found Coqui a home but it didn't work out. They knew I was interested and they really liked the idea of me taking her. They decided to try to keep her but finally made the decision that it was best to rehome her. So in July they asked if I would reconsider. It was all up to my husband as he was definitely not ready in May! I of course wanted her from the start. :D My hubby said yes! Linda's MIL was coming to visit in October. She was the original owner of Coqui. They wanted to give her a chance to see her one last time. So that is why I didn't bring her home until this past Tuesday. That pretty much sums it up!
Coqui is going to be one very spoiled baby, that's for sure! SO VERY HAPPY for you and your family!
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Thank you Gizmomania! She certainly will be a spoiled little girl. ;)

Day 2 Update - I had a good morning with Coqui this morning. I stayed home later this morning because we have trick or treating tonight. No one else in the house but me. I opened up her cage with her on her door perch and she still didn't want to step up on her perch to get out. I respected that but decided to keep the door partially open. I reached in and had a great petting session with her. I was able to pet her all over her head, play with her tongue, and even her feet! I even kissed her on the beak! :eek: She then started mouthing me and pinching. So I knew she was done. But I thought she did awesome! She goes from super sweet then into gorilla mode. LOL! It's like she wants to trust me but still isn't sure and goes around her cage making growly noises banging toys and lunging at me. But I don't budge. I'm trying to teach her that doesn't scare me. He He! I tell her "Such a big tough girl, but mama is not afraid of you. I know you are a big sweetheart."

So we had a good morning. She talked quite a bit, too! Said Hello, Doctor, Bye Bye, Stick 'em. up She does this cute thing that Linda taught her. If you say "stick'em up" she says it back and raises her wings. It's very cute. She also was saying peekaboo back to me when I was saying it to her. LOL! We are coming along at a good pace. When she is not in gorilla mode (as I like to call it) she is a real sweetheart and loves to get some lovin' :) I am starting to get the sense she is missing me when I leave the room. ;) But she is a big girl and doesn't want me to know that yet. He He! :D
:eek: WOW Blanca, that is REMARKABLE progress in only 2 short days!!!! :eek:

Incredible, really!!! I bet you feel like you have to pinch yourself every once in a while, making sure you're not dreaming, and that Coqui is actually home. :)

How were Savannah and Quincy this morning? Are they all still gawking at each other? :D
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I really do feel great about our progress Wendy! And yes, can't believe she is home, but she if fitting right in! :D

Savannah was much better this morning as was Quincy. Savannah's alarms didn't go off quite as much. LOL! I spent some time with both Savannah and Quincy in between my 1/2 hour sessions with Coqui. I know they appreciated that. I put Savannah and Quincy back in there cages 15 minutes before I had to leave just to see how they were going to do. Not much noise from any of them really. Just a squawk now and then. But nothing too devastating. LOL! ;)

I know they are trying to figure all this out. Quincy wouldn't come out of his cage for a long while yesterday afternoon, but finally braved it. This morning, he came out much quicker, which is a sign of progress. Savannah of course practically jumps into my arms. If she was a dog she would be wagging her tail and licking me all over the face. :D She just needs to know that she hasn't lost her place in my heart. And I am surely letting her know, that she hasn't. :)
Lola been saying peekaboo at me's learned soooooooooo many words while being with us. She didn't say a lot when we first got her but she tend to learn words from us here very quickly. Coqui is doing good for you so far. ;)
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I figured the fact she is talking is a good sign as well! I think she is going to be a fast learner, too! ;)
Fast learners are always nice! Lola learned quickly! Time to go buy them some fruits and veggies, we make trips to the grocery store 2-3 times a week to keep everything fresh. Have fun with Coqui cause she already sounds like she's going to be a character. ;)
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Thanks again Mikey! She certainly is! LOL! I've got to get her on video at some point. Have fun getting those fresh fruits and veggies! My guys had red grapes last night and loved them! :D

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