

New member
Dec 6, 2006
Albany, NY
Cricket -C.A.G
Ok so I thought I would treat everyone with a couple pictures.... of course only about 1% of what I took came out. she never holds still for me.

mmmm scratches...



Hey! Whats that?


Can you eat it?

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Where, did ya forget to post em.

Chi have you been on the coffee again. :D:D
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and last, but not least....

I love my mommy!!!


by the way, for anyone who cares to know.. that black and white picture in the background.. I did that!
awww cute birdy - I MISS MY BIRDY ( remember breath in breath out breath in breath out) ok i'm better now my mom sent me some pictures and his head just has a few green flecks in it I get to see him on either saturday or sunday I have been pn parrot forums alot looking at pictures of him is that pathetic or what?
See now people are thinking I've gone crazy (what does she mean she can't see the pics :D)

They are awesome pics the second one is just beautiful, I love it. I did notice the black and white pic in the background, and was admiring it. :eek: You did it, thats brilliant. You are very talented. I have trouble even drawing round my hand. :D
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well thank you peta! lol if you look at the last picture on the first post there is another picture that I painted in the background. But you cant see it too well.
did them both in high school... wish I had more time to draw again. But that means I would be spending less time on here :D
But that means I would be spending less time on here :D

Noooooo we couldn't have that,

Maybe you could take some pics of your drawings, :D just for us less challenged, well for me who couldn't draw to save her life.
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haha very true... deff have to make sure she is in the right mood to get my face that close :D
this time though she was giving me lots of kisses, but every time I angled the camra she would try and give it "kisses" instead LOL
needless to say I got a lot of fuzzy ones
Cricket is so adorable! i love the photos. It makes me want one.

awww cute birdy - I MISS MY BIRDY ( remember breath in breath out breath in breath out) ok i'm better now my mom sent me some pictures and his head just has a few green flecks in it I get to see him on either saturday or sunday I have been pn parrot forums alot looking at pictures of him is that pathetic or what?

ok i think im missing something here wheres your birdy?
Crazy is in Arizonia (or someother place like that) and her birdie is at home, where she is not ... that's what is going on ...
Hey just a hint for pictures...set your camera on something then put it so it will take two pics in 20 secs...10 secs each. Then after doing that make sure its where you want it to take the pic and push the pic or w/e button...then go to where-ever your takin the pic. Haha wow hope that wasnt to confusing:eek: Im gettin into photography and self timer works amazing when im using myself as interest in my photos since everyone else is to busy lol.
I either get the blurry pics or lots and lots of his tail or iside of mouth, just as I'm getting ready to take pics Bucc will then fly over amd perch on the end of the camera, all ready to kill it for his Mum. :D Bless him.
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haha, yeah my camera has the self timer, but it isn’t top of the line so I cant set intervals or shutter speed... LOL
I have been fixing to get a new one, but ever time I seem to get money I either spend it on gas money or birdie toys/food/treats LOL
That and cant leave the camera too close because she things it a toy or some food, and you can never predict where the little booger is going to be... besides being blurry, she kept moving out of reach... lots of just beak or top of head or even feet shots lol

I really like the second one too..its the look of ecstasy in the wee eyes.

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