Currently at a loss


New member
Jan 24, 2024
United Kingdom
Male Indian ringneck (Roger) formally Raja, I'm rehoming him
Hi all, yes at the mo I am currently at a loss with Roger my new re homed IRN who has never been out of his cage for at least 7 yrs, that's how old I was told he his when I got him.
I am a retired 68 yr old who loves animals but, because of years of working away from home have never had the chance to own one.
Anyway I've had Roger about a week now, I'm probably spoiling him with food to much as he looked a little skinny when I got him or he could have been a normal size? I have increased the size of his cage, added a couple of extra perches and toys and he appears to be very content in his new surroundings,that is until I go nr his cage and he flaps and screeches, it's the same when I slowly and calmly feed him. I have tried once to let him out of his cage, I opened his cage door and left the room, I could observe him through the glass doors, after about 10 mins he came out and took off flying around the room, so now I know he can fly 👍. Maybe my fault I don't know but after about an hour of freedom I decided to join him in the room, bad mistake. I tried to approach him not chase him but, for about 20 minutes he flew around the room crashing into anything and everything landing behind tight spaces until he crashed into his cage just below the open door were I took the opportunity to usher him into his cage.
Since then I found this forum and have been given some lead advice and links to help me progress and enjoy my bird without being to hasty Roger is back to relaxing preening eating and drinking healthily.
I've got to the stage we're I'm about 3 ft from his cage without him going in defence mode, that's when I back off, he's not as mad at feeding and cleaning times but still nervous.
So if there is anyone out there that can help me in my adventure to give Roger a much loved life I would be so grateful, thanks 🙏
Hi all, yes at the mo I am currently at a loss with Roger my new re homed IRN who has never been out of his cage for at least 7 yrs, that's how old I was told he his when I got him.
I am a retired 68 yr old who loves animals but, because of years of working away from home have never had the chance to own one.
Anyway I've had Roger about a week now, I'm probably spoiling him with food to much as he looked a little skinny when I got him or he could have been a normal size? I have increased the size of his cage, added a couple of extra perches and toys and he appears to be very content in his new surroundings,that is until I go nr his cage and he flaps and screeches, it's the same when I slowly and calmly feed him. I have tried once to let him out of his cage, I opened his cage door and left the room, I could observe him through the glass doors, after about 10 mins he came out and took off flying around the room, so now I know he can fly 👍. Maybe my fault I don't know but after about an hour of freedom I decided to join him in the room, bad mistake. I tried to approach him not chase him but, for about 20 minutes he flew around the room crashing into anything and everything landing behind tight spaces until he crashed into his cage just below the open door were I took the opportunity to usher him into his cage.
Since then I found this forum and have been given some lead advice and links to help me progress and enjoy my bird without being to hasty Roger is back to relaxing preening eating and drinking healthily.
I've got to the stage we're I'm about 3 ft from his cage without him going in defence mode, that's when I back off, he's not as mad at feeding and cleaning times but still nervous.
So if there is anyone out there that can help me in my adventure to give Roger a much loved life I would be so grateful, thanks 🙏
BIrdtricks in youtube teaches people how to clicker train their birds into getting used to things, such as freeflight, and even dealing with fearful birds. They have a Facebook group called 'BirdTricks Q&A'. You might find some good ideas from them.

Good luck to you!
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Yes I've watched a few of their videos. They make things look so easy and the birds always seem to make the target and treat training a breeze.
I have yet to get near my bird to even offer him a target.
I am still on the go slow walking towards and retreating click training process. I,m wondering
if I open his cage door and left the room for a few hours he may have a fly and go back to his cage . I've bought him a small cage top playstation, I really don't want him to be stuck in his cage all day, thanks for the message.
Take care
Hi all, yes at the mo I am currently at a loss with Roger my new re homed IRN who has never been out of his cage for at least 7 yrs, that's how old I was told he his when I got him.
I am a retired 68 yr old who loves animals but, because of years of working away from home have never had the chance to own one.
Anyway I've had Roger about a week now, I'm probably spoiling him with food to much as he looked a little skinny when I got him or he could have been a normal size? I have increased the size of his cage, added a couple of extra perches and toys and he appears to be very content in his new surroundings,that is until I go nr his cage and he flaps and screeches, it's the same when I slowly and calmly feed him. I have tried once to let him out of his cage, I opened his cage door and left the room, I could observe him through the glass doors, after about 10 mins he came out and took off flying around the room, so now I know he can fly 👍. Maybe my fault I don't know but after about an hour of freedom I decided to join him in the room, bad mistake. I tried to approach him not chase him but, for about 20 minutes he flew around the room crashing into anything and everything landing behind tight spaces until he crashed into his cage just below the open door were I took the opportunity to usher him into his cage.
Since then I found this forum and have been given some lead advice and links to help me progress and enjoy my bird without being to hasty Roger is back to relaxing preening eating and drinking healthily.
I've got to the stage we're I'm about 3 ft from his cage without him going in defence mode, that's when I back off, he's not as mad at feeding and cleaning times but still nervous.
So if there is anyone out there that can help me in my adventure to give Roger a much loved life I would be so grateful, thanks 🙏
Thank you for taking on Roger, @TerryB, in my opinion he already has a better life because of you!! IRNs can be a bit notorious for returning to a "wild" state if not interacted with every day, and if this poor little man has spent 7 years locked in his cage then it's not surprising he's very fearful. But I think you have already made good progress with him and you most certainly have a great love for him and his best interests at heart, so with the patience that you clearly have in abundance and gentle daily interaction things will get better. It might take a while, as trust is earned very slowly with many parrots not just IRNs but I think you're well on your way! 💖

Oh and PS we love baby photos around here too ;)
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Thank you for taking on Roger, @TerryB, in my opinion he already has a better life because of you!! IRNs can be a bit notorious for returning to a "wild" state if not interacted with every day, and if this poor little man has spent 7 years locked in his cage then it's not surprising he's very fearful. But I think you have already made good progress with him and you most certainly have a great love for him and his best interests at heart, so with the patience that you clearly have in abundance and gentle daily interaction things will get better. It might take a while, as trust is earned very slowly with many parrots not just IRNs but I think you're well on your way! 💖

Oh and PS we love baby photos around here too ;)
Very kind words , much appreciated thank you🥰
I agree with all
of the above and I also say thank you for giving Roger a better life ❤️. One other thing I would recommend is that you just hang out in the room with Roger keeping a “safe” distance away and not looking at him or trying to interact. Sit and read a book, listen to music, watch a video. Just let him see that you can be in the room and there is no pressure on him. I did this with my Quaker parrot and I feel it really helped the bonding process.
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I agree with all
of the above and I also say thank you for giving Roger a better life ❤️. One other thing I would recommend is that you just hang out in the room with Roger keeping a “safe” distance away and not looking at him or trying to interact. Sit and read a book, listen to music, watch a video. Just let him see that you can be in the room and there is no pressure on him. I did this with my Quaker parrot and I feel it really helped the bonding process.
Thank you Jcas
I agree, I share the conservatory with him during daylight hours and watch a little YouTube also, glance at his little antics which make me smile.
At bedtime which he verbally lets me know, I cover him up say goodnight and leave the room in darkness.
I really appreciate the support I get from the forum it helps me to help him.

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