Dark spot on the skin around my gcc eye


New member
Feb 5, 2014
Chicago, IL
gcc Parry; lovebird Coco; 3 budgies (Tesla, Franky and Cesar); cockatiel Murzik, red rump parakeet girl Onyx
I'm a little worried since I noticed a little dark spot on one of my conure eye rings. It started appearing about a month ago. There is no inflammation or swelling, and nothing wrong with the eye, but just a brownish spot on his white eye ring next to the eye. It doesn't seem to bother him, but it bothers me and looks weird. Otherwise he is healthy and very active as usual. Could it be a sign of some problem?
I tried to look online and search this forum, but couldn't find anything…
I have a very limited vet budget, so I'd rather ask here first before making an appointment.

Thank you!!
Im not sure without a pic. It could be the colour of his feathers or some infection, we can't tell without pics. But I would take him in to get it checked out to be on the safe side. An eye infection is easy to cure if you get it right away.
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Okay, I was finally able to get a decent pic with a zoom. :) His feathers are fine - he is molting right now.


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Well, it doesn't LOOK like an infection. I would expect a vet would probably do a "wait and watch" to be honest as long as there's no other symptoms...but I'm no vet. Maybe someone else will have something more helpful.
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It doesn't look like infection - there is redness or swelling. It just seems like skin discoloration, but I'm not sure. He has a lot of new pin feathers on his face and especially around his eyes, and I noticed him scratching them - could that have contributed? It's his first molt. I never noticed him scratching the eye though.

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