Does my wife read these forums?


New member
Dec 24, 2006
I wonder if Debbie reads these forums when she is at work?
She says she doesn't.
If she doesn't, she wont know that the bird rescue place contacted me to ask if I would adopt a starving pink and gray Galah.
He is about 3 months old and currently being tube fed.
He was found by kids after falling from a nest and dumped in a cage with some canary seed for a week. Bird rescue took him are going to get him back to goal weight, then I take over next week.
I have so many plans for him.
I should be able to work with this bird as he is toweled every day and is completely used to human handling so he will be wearing a harness and jaunting around town with me in no time. I know Skippah will come around eventually but hopefully seeing this docile bird will settle Skippah a little.

I am too scared to tell Debbie he is coming so I hope she reads these forums at work and has time to cool down.
All advice gratefully taken on board.
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They are great, but flighty creatures..........I love Chewy to death but wouldnt' be getting another one.
I really think you might want to include your wife in this though. It's a big decision to make and it involves her too.
Another thing I forgot to say. 3 months ain't old enough for this bird to be is going to need to be hand fed. Are you up for this? Because this bird is not giong to be able to eat till it's almost a year old.
I'm not trying to be down on ya. But I just worry for the birds sake. Please give me a good reason not to worry.
One resaon why I worry is because it doens't sound like your being honest with your wife. I hate to see this bird have to be rehomed again at such a young age. Please for hte sake of hte bird and you, please tell her. She needs to be in on this decision. I know you already made the decision but you should at least talk to her about it.
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What do you mean by flighty?
I understand they are not fantastic talkers but are quite "clown like"?
What else?
Actually they are great talkers!!!! Chewy has a 40 word and phrases list that he says.
They are nervous birds. From what I understand it's not just my bird that freaks out about everything.
Why are they tube feeding this baby and not using a syringe or special spoon?

Have you ever hand fed a baby before if not I would not take this baby home as so many things can go wrong with handfeeding a baby.
Why are they tube feeding this baby and not using a syringe or special spoon?

Have you ever hand fed a baby before if not I would not take this baby home as so many things can go wrong with handfeeding a baby.

I totally agree. Are you listening to what we are saying though? We aren't tryint to be mean, but we are looking at how younge this bird is and it's not time to be weaned, It can die fro m starvation if not hand reared. Or parent Reared.
I have a hand raised baby, who is bout 4-5 yrs old. And I love him to death. Don't get me wrong. PLEASE let someone who knows what they are doing feed the baby then give it to you.
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The whole idea of the Bird rescue is that there is no parent to wean this baby.
The woman at bird rescue has been tube feeding it and is getting him used to being spoon fed this week. She needs to make room for more rescues. We are adopting him coz there is no one else. You cant just leave it all to other people.
I will not be the 1st person to take on this task and I am sure I wont be the last.

Yesterday I visited another "Nervous" Galah. He was housed near a Bikers hotel and the sound of Harley Davidsons made him pluck his feathers. The Owner re-housed him at a new house in a quieter street and all his feathers have come back.
... actually, I prefer to think of myself more of a nervous grey ...
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Do you mean "nervous old bugga"?
Speaking of grays.
A guy her is asking 10 grand a pair for 2 Grays.
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Those are scarey numbers.
The only good thing is those prices keep them in the hands of people who really want them.
Scary part is here in The States, you can get a U2 for almost the same price as a Scarlet/GreenWing/B&G Macaw ... and really they aren't that much more expensive than a Grey ... it's really kinda scary ... that's probably the reason they are the #1 rehomed bird ...
yeah I could get a congo grey for 800 hand fed baby and everything the rosebrested toos though would be a little bit over a thouseand as they are really rare where I live
So basically Tex and Kelli, you need to come to our side of the world for a geez/shopping trip, and Red and I need to come and stay with you :D
Or not...good ol' bird immigration laws. Whats the correct term I'm looking for?
i know even here in the state I paid 350 for my boston terrier but they sell for 4000 yes thousand in another state I'm like i could go into buisness LOL
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I have mentioned this before.
Pink and grays and Bare eyed corellas are considered pests to our farmers. They fly wild in our parks and gardens in the city. They fall out of their nests in large numbers and are collected up by school kids. The baby that is coming to me was found by kids and poorly fed. Pink and grays are sold by these kids at the local markets for 10 bux a head. African grays are selling for 10 thousand dollars a pair. Its a strange world man.

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