Rescuing a 20 year old Goffin - thoughts?


New member
Mar 4, 2024
14 year old female Blue Head Pionus
3 year old male Eclectus
I'm new here :) I currently have a 14 year old BH pionus female, a very sweet bird we've owned for 6 years after her previous family could no longer care for her. A year and a half ago I began working fully remote and I've been kind of lonely and thinking of getting a second bird to keep me company, primarily because our Pi, while very gentle and mild, is bonded to my husband. So when my husband is out at work I'm just the housekeeper :ROFLMAO: We've been very spoiled with our bird, since she is so chill and easy. She is a bit standoffish but very calm and quiet 90% of the time, except for morning ear splitting flock calls during her hormonal season. She has been around other parrots and tolerates them but isn't really interested. She's also fully flighted but not a big flyer. Important to note, I also have my darling two year old son, who knows not to touch or approach birds.

I've been working with a wonderful rescue who recently recieved a 20 year old male Goffin that they're looking to rehome. He has plucked his tummy and back. I met him yesterday and he is just a doll! He was so sweet, friendly, and calm. Where all the other birds were screaming and posturing, he sat quietly in his cage until we approached and then lowered his head for scritches. He does not step up but is gentle enough that he can be made to step up without biting. The rescue owner said she hadn't noticed any plucking since he'd come to the rescue and wondered if it was permanent feather damage from previous plucking. She said he is pretty chill and quiet for a cockatoo, only calling in the morning and otherwise hanging out in his cage. She said he did not seem to be much of a chewer, which was surprising for what I've read about Goffins. One concern is that he seems to prefer women, and flew at a male volunteer at the rescue, although he landed on the volunteer without biting and it's not clear exactly what the intention of the behavior was.

My hestitation with adopting him is that I've heard endless horror stories of cockatoos and what they're like to have in the family. We have a really low maintenance Pi right now so it might be jarring to end up with a bird that dominates the household. I need a bird that can spend time alone without severe behaviors (I work from home, but of course we go out to the zoo or out to do things on weekends etc), is not flying to attack people, and can tolerate his chosen person also being a mother with a toddler hanging off her a lot of the time. I would provide a good diet, lots of quiet sleep time, the company of another similarly sized parrot, plenty of toys and foraging opportunities, lots of out of cage time.

What are your thoughts? He's such a sweetie, and we are a bird-knowledgeable household, but I don't want to bring home a cockatoo I can't really provide a good life for.
Every bird is an individual. While there are general rules for each species, within the same species you can have individuals who are sweethearts and individuals who are terrors. Do you know why this Gofffins was surrendered to the rescue? That is always good to know. If the rescue is willing, one of the best things you can do is have a “ trial period” of 2-4 weeks where you take the bird home and see how he fits in with your household before committing to adoption. Some rescues let you do this. Thank you for considering adopting and best of luck with your decision ❤️
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Every bird is an individual. While there are general rules for each species, within the same species you can have individuals who are sweethearts and individuals who are terrors. Do you know why this Gofffins was surrendered to the rescue? That is always good to know. If the rescue is willing, one of the best things you can do is have a “ trial period” of 2-4 weeks where you take the bird home and see how he fits in with your household before committing to adoption. Some rescues let you do this. Thank you for considering adopting and best of luck with your decision ❤️
Thank you! Yes, he was surrendered because his owner got very sick :( not because of any problem behaviors. He lived with three larger parrots, including another cockatoo. She surrendered all four at once. He had lived with that owner for 10 years. Before that, he was surrendered to the same rescue as a 10 year old, but the owner of the rescue didn't remember why he'd been surrendered the first time.

And yes, we will definitely have a trial period! She said the first week or two can be difficult or not very telling of the bird's long term behavior, so she said she offers a 3 month "probationary" period before the adoption is finalized. I thought that sounded ideal to see how the bird settles in with everybody in the family.
Well I always tell folks you get an additional parrot because YOU want one, not because you think your original one needs a friend, because you have like a 1 in 3 chance of things being ideal - everyone gets along with everyone. They could hate each other but still be friends with you, they could love each other , to the exclusion of you, they could be mehh to each other and now hate you and every other variation on that theme. And there is no way to tell in advance which it will be. Good idea for that 3 month trial period! Should be enough time for the new group dynamics to rear its ugly head! Good luck and good on ya for adopting!
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Well I always tell folks you get an additional parrot because YOU want one, not because you think your original one needs a friend, because you have like a 1 in 3 chance of things being ideal - everyone gets along with everyone. They could hate each other but still be friends with you, they could love each other , to the exclusion of you, they could be mehh to each other and now hate you and every other variation on that theme. And there is no way to tell in advance which it will be. Good idea for that 3 month trial period! Should be enough time for the new group dynamics to rear its ugly head! Good luck and good on ya for adopting!
Right. I would be pretty amazed if the birds bonded because they are both people-oriented parrots but I suppose you never know! I would not get in their way if they did, I'd think of that in a way as being a best case scenario for them to have another bird to love rather than looking to humans for companionship, but my hope with adopting this second parrot is that he will be a companion for me since I'm home alone a lot :) since our current bird is bonded to my husband and hardly looks my way!
Right. I would be pretty amazed if the birds bonded because they are both people-oriented parrots but I suppose you never know! I would not get in their way if they did, I'd think of that in a way as being a best case scenario for them to have another bird to love rather than looking to humans for companionship, but my hope with adopting this second parrot is that he will be a companion for me since I'm home alone a lot :) since our current bird is bonded to my husband and hardly looks my way!
We had a Goffins that we adored. She was a little crazy and fun. Definitely cockatoo, but not a screamer at all. They can take earrings off in a big hurry or disassemble other mechanical type items.

She has not much of a biter but when she did , it was not nice because the lower mandible has a "fang" on each side.

Good luck with your decision.

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