Does your amazon laugh while preening?


New member
Dec 2, 2011
Eastern panhandle of WV
Kazi - 13 yr old yellow nape amazon rescue
I really don't know if this is an amazon thing or not, but Kazi will laugh while he's preening. He only does this specific chuckle while preening and it sounds exactly like he's just come up with a brilliant evil plan.

It cracks me up. My husband and I say he's plotting to take over around here. Is this just a Kazi quirk or do other amazons do this too?


New member
Dec 1, 2011
Mine doesn't laugh while preening, but he often does when I am in the kitchen. And sometimes he breaks out with this maniacal laugh for reasons I can't figure out.


New member
May 4, 2011
Orange Wing Amazon
Mine will mumble in a whispered voice so I can't understand what he's saying but I do believe he is plotting. His feathers are growing back from being clipped & now he can leap off the perch & glide to me. He also talks more when there's background noise. If I run the vacuum he will wolf whistle at me constantly.


New member
Dec 1, 2011
Mine makes a lot of odd sounds more than he talks. He has one he uses a lot that sounds like "oooeee." I'm trying to turn it into "Hi" since it sounds kind of similar. He also has a huge variety that are just funny sounds, maybe from cartoons? At least I assume they aren't typical amazon sounds. They are really funny though and I just crack up all the time. He loves it when I try to imitate them back.

This is a weird question, but what are normal amazon sounds? He hasn't made any yet that I would call bird sounds except for his conure and budgie imitations. Do they chirp or squawk in any way? With my conures there was never any question about whether it was a normal conure vocalization or speech or other sounds they had learned to imitate. With Pete I have no idea yet what an amazon should sound like!


New member
Dec 19, 2011
Yellow Nape Amazon
Sluggie laughs quite often. Sometimes when he is preening but usually when my wife is laughing. He seems to get kick out of her laugh. He also will quietly sit and meow, when he lived with my uncle he shared his domain with a bunch of Maine Coon cats that my uncle and his wife breed. He has quite a repertoire of different meows and he likes to use them and loud "HI's" and "Hello's" to get our attention when we are not in the livingroom.

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