Does your bird glow?

Ok, I couldn't resist, I tried it out, It looks like quentin, the blue pied and barnaby, the double pied both glow but Harold, the blue doesn't. I took some pics, pretty cool. Science is fun :)


The second picture is of barnaby, he looked even cooler when I held the light in front of him(instead of from above) because parts of his tail glow as well.
i've never heard of this, but if my bird started glowing i think i'd have to break out the geiger counter!

omg !! Lmao !!
So I was flipping through my accelerated chemistry textbook today, looking for pictures to draw from, and I stumbled across a 'science in action' section that said members of the parrot family have feathers that glow in the dark. Apparently it's a mating quality. There was a picture of a budgeria thats face feathers were glowing. Apparently they take in uv rays and set them out at longer wavelengths that both birds and humans can see, much like a glow in the dark object. So I was wondering if anyone looks at their bird at night and notices them sitting there glowing. Lily doesent do it... Or at least she hasn't shown it yet. It would freak me out if I didn't know about this now... Kinda like an alien thing. I'd be all like: Ahhh my birds glowing! What do I do?!?!

OMG that is too funny ! Can you imagine the look on the veterinary receptionists face when you tell her you want to bring in your birds because they are glowing !! :p:rolleyes::11::54:

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