Does your bird "help" you make chop?


New member
Mar 18, 2015
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Halifax, NS, Canada
Kyoto (AKA Kyo)-Green Cheek Conure
Charlie - Canary
Tommy - Budgie
Sunny - budgie
I just made over 2 months worth of chop, and I thought maybe it would be fun bonding time to let Kyo downstairs with me while I did it.

Hubby reluctantly put the kitties in the basement, and Kyo had a blast getting a nice fresh bite of veggies while I cleaned them and put them through the processor.

Now, she wasn't a huge fan of the noisy processor, but she behaved herself pretty well and left daddy alone for the most part (yay!). She only flew to him to attack a few times, otherwise she stuck around the kitchen with me.

Does anyone else let their birds in on their food prep? I'm glad I did, I think it was a fun bonding moment for us :3 plus she got a nice bath in the big kitchen sink (don't worry, I scrubbed it really well before letting her in it).

Something funny happened... I rinse the glass bowl of the processor between veggies, and when I sat it down to grab carrots, she sat on the edge of the glass and pooped right in it!! I almost died laughing. Good thing I had my vinegar handy and there was no food in it XD
I love that idea, but I have cooked elements to my chop, so the stove is always going while I prep the raw veggies. I won't bring Dexter in the kitchen with the stove on. I should find some other thing to include him in prep time.

Dexter also has his baths in the kitchen sink. He doesn't love it, but it seems less distressing to him than the evil sprayer demon.
I love that idea, but I have cooked elements to my chop, so the stove is always going while I prep the raw veggies. I won't bring Dexter in the kitchen with the stove on. I should find some other thing to include him in prep time.

Dexter also has his baths in the kitchen sink. He doesn't love it, but it seems less distressing to him than the evil sprayer demon.

I haven't mastered cooking beans yet, something I hope to do soon. For now it's veggies and some oats and flax. Next time I actually get two days off work to soak and properly prepare them, I'll have some lentils to add to it.
Zilla always "helps" until it's time to turn the stove on. I try to do all the veggie washing, peeling & chopping before cooking the pasta, rice & beans.

I also let her come back in after the cooking is done. She likes to sit on the edge of the big stainless bowl I use to mix it all up in. She samples while I bag it for the freezer.
Lentils don't have to be soaked FYI... Just cooked..
Lentils don't have to be soaked FYI... Just cooked..

wow, you know you're tired when… I totally meant beans, not lentils.
I usually have a bird or 3 involved with any big chop sessions :)
Absolutely! Usually have one or two on the shoulder - who better to supervise and make sure its done correctly!
My Goffin usually supervises all food prep as well as dishing out of food. He is the self proclaimed tester of everything food.

I'm sure it is a selfless act, checking to make sure there is no poison in anyones dish.
LOL, I tried this last week! While I did the washing and chopping, Gollum supervised. She had to try one of everything. She made a bigger mess than I did! She had food everywhere. Take a bite and throw it down and look at me like... next.

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