Errol and Flynn Parakeets


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Sep 7, 2006
Errol and Flynn are my parakeets. Errol is a golden mantled Rosella, and Flynn is a lineolated parakeet. They had a really bad start to the world, they were kept in a cage that was too small for one bird let alone two, their food was a joke, and water well it seemed it only ever got changed once every week if they were lucky, They never had human company as they were shut away in a very small dark room. So far it has taken me two years to get them to eat vegies, now they can't get enough of them. Still haven't managed to get them to eat anything else but seed, but we are getting there gradually. As for being friendly well they are far too scared for that, I have since managed to get them into a very large cage, but they will not under any circumstances come out of it. Now, we have decided to build them an aviary in the garden that way they will be able to fly around like birds should. Since I have had them they have come a long way but they still need more and I am doing everything in my power to do it for them. When they are in the aviary I think I will be able to get them to at least tollerate me, I don't ever think they will be hand tame but you never know. Anyway we all love them here and that is the main thing, hopefully one day they will know that we mean them no harm and will never do anything to hurt them.


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Thanks for that, its taking time, but it really is worth it all. They deserve some happiness.
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Thanks Alison, it doesn't matter how long it takes but we are working on it and at the end of the day it doesn't matter if they are always going to be nervous of humans, as long as they have a good life. We will be starting the aviary for them in a few months time, so that is going to be a lot better for them, at least they will be able to fly around properly. I'll get some pictures done while we are building and keep you all posted.
It's really nice what you've done for them.

Don't worry too much about trying to tame the rosella, because even handfed rosellas aren't very tame to begin with. An aviary sounds like just what they need.
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9Catsz said:
It's really nice what you've done for them.

Don't worry too much about trying to tame the rosella, because even handfed rosellas aren't very tame to begin with. An aviary sounds like just what they need.

Don't think I'm that worried about him being tame, so much as knowing he trusts a human, I think we have got that sorted and he is calming down a little bit, After the start they had in life they are so nervous of everything. Can't wait for them to get into the aviary and start flying about, like they should do. Think they will then know what they've been missing. As long as I can make them happy and comfortable that is more important than wanting them to come to me for scritches, if they do want to come to me thats great too.

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