Errol and George ~ Rosellas


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Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
Next come Errol and George, Errol was rescued along with Flynn so his story is pretty much the same as hers. He is still very skittish but he is wonderful with it. We got him a fried George, who as it turns out is Georgina lol. and they seem happy enough. George poor little soul is a bit crazy we think, But he's happy enough :D



Scuse the state of the walls, but George now realise that he can get food all over them, then spends the rest of the day trying to pick it off the walls again. :D
Wow, they sure are a good looking lot! I just fell in love with my aviary bird! What sounds do they make? Are they loud like a ringneck scream or would i be able to house them outside without them bothering the next door neighbour? They look like a interesting lot, what do they eat?
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These little fella's aren't loud at all, These two will eat just about anything, their diet consists of seeds and pellets, they just adore Cockatiel Mix and will eat most of that before anyone else has a chance to get any. :D

Poor old Errol will eat anything. If its food he will eat it probably because he didn't have anything in his previous home.

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