Feather growing on foot


New member
Oct 2, 2012
Anyone ever heard of a feather growing on a double yellow heads foot? That's what's going on with mine. It's on top of the right foot. It's very small and it's all yellow. Any insight would be helpful. Thank you!
I assume no one probably answered because no one knows.

I've seen feathers on the legs, down where it splits to toes, but not on the foot itself, at least, not in person.

I'd say it's probably just an anomaly, and probably nothing to worry about, unless it appears odd in some other way.
Im sorry, I have not heard of that before. Maybe someone who has will see this help out. Give them some time.
I have not seen nor heard of it before. I'm with MonicaMc about it probably just being an anomaly. Keep an eye on it in case it gets too long and is a safety issue for causing injury, or if the bird plucks it and bleeds, or if it doesn't look like just a normal feather.
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Ok. Thank you very much to everyone who had something to say. Very much appreciated. It is pretty weird but dosent seem to bother him too much. Ill keep an eye on it as suggested
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Thank you for the warm welcome. And on the subject of my double yellow head, 'Owen', I think the extra feather makes him unique. I almost hope it grows back when it falls out/ is picked out. I cant help calling him Feather-foot lately lol.

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