First time need to board my parrots


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2017
A crossover Quaker Scuti (F), A Sun conure named AC, A Cinnamon Green Cheek conure Kent, and 5 budgies, yellow (m), clark Jr. (m), Dot (f), Zebra(f), Machine (m).
So in august my company says I need to go to training out of state. I immediately looked for a boarding place for parrots and hit the jackpot. Its birds only actually parrots only, each flock that lives together can have their own suite with sanitized cages and accessories. You can bring their favorite toys, radio, etc. Lights on a timer to match the sun. All the suites have windows to check the birds even just passing by but they will interact with them to keep them entertained as well. Also free homemade chop every morning

I have a CAV appt on the 14th so they will be allowed in. They require at least a vet check a year, I do it every 6 months anyways.

I'm not going to advertise the place name because I haven't even checked them in yet but I'm impressed.

The reason for the post is:

1) to anyone that has boarded a bird for a week about what toys do you recommend, the ones they always use or throw in some of the stuff they usually ignore

2) would you include a battery powered radio for the staff to put on background music? They don't include, but say (even on website) they will turn it on and off when needed.

3) I can bring my cage but theirs are awesome would conures feel safer in their own? Still probably gonna let them use theirs but interesting thought.

4) to any previous boarders any stress or resentment after being boarded or was it they are like that was fun, glad you're back...

5) If you boarded a bird before, did it develop any bad habits or learn anything you wish it would unlearn?

6) I would encourage staff to take my birds out etc. but I don't know the full protocal on that, I like them to be more social with new people. Zod is pretty good but if I'm in the room clark will dart back to me. Any opinions on that? Also I tested positive for cornona in may no symptoms, then a week later was cleared back to work so pretty sure my birds are immune on that. The only thing would be bird diseases transferred (hence you need a vet visit prior). Any thoughts welcome, they will be around them anyways so inevitable if their is a sick bird.

Thank you in advance,
This is all new to me and I think I got lucky but any and ANY advice is appreciated. Its the furthest I will be from my flock for more than say 13 hours since I got them.

:gcc: + :gcc:
I have boarded Noodles at a semi-sketchy place with a semi-decent reputation for breeding/selling birds BECAUSE she is SO sensitive and social and this was the only place that would let her out during the day...She basically sat on a HUGE tree stand in a shop where birds were for sale (people could walk in and talk to her and pet her if she allowed--she loved the celebrity, as she is a total show-boat...the term that comes to mind is probably not allowed here LOL)...The thing is, the disease risk was high in terms of asymptomatic carriers/humans spreading stuff, BUT I was terrified of locking her up for 3 days--SHE NEEDS lots of interaction and stimulation and the bird hotels didn't let them out for safety...She did great at the "sketchy place:, but I did drop a lot of money on testing a few months afterwards-- the problem I have with boarding is that it's like you either keep your bird safe or deprive them or interaction, and for some, that may not mean much, but for me, both are SO important and I just hate that I had to choose! I would like to say if you pick vet with all the birds in the same room, you may as well go sketchy because that is as safe as my weird boarding with the tree-stand place---if they don't have their own air space, you can't be sure.

I think I would have found a plucked mess if I had tried to keep her caged for that long. Before I got her (years ago) she never was locked up (not saying that is safe or good, but you get the idea...)

I worry most about asymptomatic and highly contagious diseases such as PDD and PBFD, as boarders do not test for them, so the places that have their own air supplies per cage are ideal (these do exist).

She was happy I was back (very happy) but within a day or so, it sunk in and she was pissy that I left her to begin with. She has always gotten over it within a week, but sucks sometimes in the meantime.

I have asked people she likes who have bird-safe homes and no other birds to watch her since then and I think 3 days is the longest I have been gone.

An in-home sitter is most ideal...or a person they already know and like. Assuming they are bird-safe in their cooking/cleaning etc (or can be for a week or whatever) this is safer than exposure to other birds and /or lack of interaction.
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I've never boarded my boys, but it's definitely something I've thought about/worried about a lot. So I've done a lot of research. I'll share my thoughts for whatever they are worth. :)
1. I'd suggest a few of their favorite familiar toys to ease the transition, plus a bunch of really awesome new ones. Destruction toys in particular. I also read a suggestion that you could help the birds understand how long you'll be away by offering a new toy for each day you are gone. Have all of the toys visible from within the cage, and one gets moved into the cage by the staff every day until the last toy goes in and then you are back with them.
2. Silly thought, but maybe they would facilitate a video call so your girls can see you once or twice while you are gone? And so you can see them too of course.
3. I tend to think they'd be happy with the familiarity of their own cage if possible, but I don't know how awesome the ones they offer are. Maybe that's better... I dunno.

Good luck and safe travels!!
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thanks! Noodles I expect an immediate bite then full lovey dovey but I'll look out for it. Anyone else please let me know your experiences.
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To squeekmouse

1) That is an awesome idea, not sure if they pick up on it but anything to keep them entertained.

2) they might attached is a screen shot, they will send a daily report card. they may video call also, I'll be sure to ask.

3) I can't knock their cages, but I think I need to set it so clark has her corner in the top, back, right like she is used to.

Again not endorsing them yet, but impressed on tour.


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Oh one more question.. number 7)

I was thinking about typeing them a memo to post like:
Clark is the alpha
Zod is a better puzzle solver
Clark is more demanding while zod lets it go
Zod flies fast and bad at landing clark han hummingbird and land with precision
clark demands juice in the mornings
Our official flock motto is come on, any flock member will say it in english
zod likes to sit on the cage like snoopy, clark likes to sit in the back right corner
etc. etc.etc.

Should I help them out........... or screw em! See how good they really are! I want the best for my birds but sometimes fresh eyes might see something I don't see....

Just a thought....give a tutorial or let them figure it out on their own and maybe learn something with fresh eyes I didn't know....

This is actually important to me as I want them comfortable but I want to learn more as well as we've gone into a routine.
Kudos for exhaustive research!! I boarded my female Angel Ekkie a few years ago during vacay as she was on a lifetime course of meds. (gf and family took care of rest of flock)

Decided to board her at the CAV and transported the cage for comfort. Ekkies diet is primarily chop, so brought bagged freezer portions for the 7-day period. Angel had plenty of interaction as her meds were twice daily and she adapted well. Angel instantly acclimated once home, and I did not notice any behavioral issues.

In this case I thoroughly trusted the CAV clinic and had no anxieties with quality of care.

Hope you have a fun time!!
I think the more info you give the better, so at least they know that something is normal or not.
Wow... they do look impressive. I'd be worried my boys wouldn't want to come home from that place! ;)
Not sure if you have seen a couple of the Threads that have been posted of-late about having to travel and other family members staying at home. Point being, as covered in those Threads, if you can video chat in at least once each day will help your Parrots during your travel.

Boarding with a CAV assures that medical attention is fully available.

Sadly, my experience has only been with Amazons that have been left behind at such facilities.

Depending on where the training will be in August, it is still possible that it will be cancelled or rescheduled. So, assure that if a deposit is required that a refund is fully available.
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to sailboat:
I've put nothing down, They are on the honor system. I pay when I drop off and when I pick up. Thank you!
The only time I boarded was with my Gray, when we went to Disneyworld. We stayed at a Disney hotel, and I boarded her at THEIR facility, which is at their Fort Wilderness resort. This way, I could visit every day.

I figured if you canā€™t trust Disney in this situation, who can you trust? Well...

Iā€™m on line for Splash Mountain and get a phone call that she got out of her cage (HUH!?) and despite being recently and fully clipped, managed to fly up into some rafter corner and they couldnā€™t get her down.

I leave the wife and kids in the park to catch a shuttle to Fort Wilderness, and right when Iā€™m about to get on the bus, I get a call that they got her and sheā€™s fine. ā€œSheā€ was named Tonto.

R.I.P. little buddy. She was just trying to cause a little trouble, like biting my wifeā€™s toes while she was napping on the couch. When I visited her that evening, I was laughing my a** off, and Iā€™m pretty sure she was too.

And oh...

I figured out that she had managed to open her/their cage and CLIMBED up there.
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