Free resource for bird Q&A - responses by vets


Aug 13, 2017
San Francisco, CA
Green Bean -Male Eclectus adopted 8/27/17 (6 months old)

I'm adopting an eclectus and have had quite a lot of questions. I found a free resource,, where the questions are answered by vets and vet techs. I thought it was extremely helpful so just passing it along. The vet who responded suggested a book for new bird owners, BIRDS FOR DUMMIES by Brian Speer and Gina spadafori (the title isn't meant to be insulting, rather its part a FOR DUMMIES series of books).
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It looks as though the site is owned by PETCO, a big US pet store chain
I'll have to check those out. Years ago I read a parrot book in the series "IDIOTS GUIDE" and unfortunately it was full of some really horrible advice and downright misinformation, so please be careful :)

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Oh, that's interesting. The book was written in 1997, so I probably wouldn't have considered it if a vet hadn't recommended.
Ill take a look. Unfortunately vets are great for medical things but can be absolutely horrid when it comes to behavioral things (seriously some of the worst bird advice I have seen has come from vets) but they are GREAT for the medical stuff!

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I don't actually have him yet, so my questions are mostly safety related. For instance, I have an asthma inhaler which apparently is problematic for them, but it's also kind of problematic for me not to have it! So working out the practical implementation of some of the great advice I have read online.

One question I have if you happen to know is how do you clean stainless steel pots and pans that have burned at the bottom? I have always used non-stick before. Some articles said heat it up with baking soda/water or vinegar/water, but I'm not clear on whether those are toxic to birds when heated. Also, how do bird owners clean their stove tops? I have heard a mix of vinegar and water but again I have read that heated vinegar is toxic to birds.

I feel like I'm studying for a final exam, and if I fail, my bird's going to die! lol I guess I am being a bit of an anxious new mother :)
I use stainless steel pots and pans exclusively :)

You can actually look up ways to make your pans non stick using coconut oil. I've never done that. I try to be careful not to burn things on, but when I do, I soak the pan overnight with soap and water, and apply elbow grease with a pan scraper (just a flat piece of rubber really, you can get them anywhere).

Sort of the same thing for burned on stuff on stovetops; I do my best to wipe anything up right away, and if it burns on I put water on it and let it sit until it is soft enough to be cleaned.

I'm SO GLAD you are taking the air toxins seriously!!! So many new owners think it's too much of a sacrifice and as a result their birds often die. GOOD JOB!

Also I hope I didn't offend you by being skeptical of the book; I hope you can see that I'm only trying to plant a grain of salt to help protect you and your new baby. I did some major damage to my relationships with my flock by following the advice of certain books (I've never read that particular one), and also I've really heard some terrible behavioral advice from vets; like you should lock your macaw in a dark kennel every day for a few hours just to teach them to accept it.

I don't know about the inhaler, but my guess is that if you do your best to leave the room before using it, it should be ok? Are we talking a rescue inhaler or something you use more regularly than that? Also if you have respiratory issues I'm glad you picked an Eckie :)

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Thanks, I think I need to get better with stainless steel so it doesn't burn the pan, too! What do you use when you spill on the stove to de-grease? Do you use vinegar/h2O and just wipe it up? Also do you clean his cage with vinegar/h2O, and if so, do you have then wipe it off?

I totally understand about not all advice being great advice. It is similar to trying to find out whether different foods are healthy in the US. There is so little quality information coming from the government, so we are all put into a position to take our best guess. I would rather be safe than sorry but I prefer to get as much information as possible because some of these are significant changes -- for instance my cooking and cleaning routine is going to have to be very different.

I think albuterol inhalers for people with asthma are problematic. I rarely need to use mine and can just go outside to do it but other inhaled meds I use with a nebulizer, and that is an issue as well. I'm going to do it in the bathroom with the fan on and a towel under the door. A vet I talked to said I could do this for Rogaine aerosol as well.

My little green baby is arriving in about an hour so I'll check back in and post pics later :)
Free resource for bird Q&A - responses by vets

You've actually found the best free resource ever right here. Nobody will hesitate to suggest you take your questions (or your bird) to a vet if necessary, but you will find fantastic advice on diet, behavior, bonding, problem solving, etc. You'll also find this a great place to just gush about how much you love your bird, or the cute funny things they do, or their milestones. And if that isn't enough, every once in a while a nice gentleman named Mr. Boats will come along and give a lecture on hair color or tools or something else you don't expect. [emoji2]

Stainless steel pans: turn the heat down.

Cleaning: you'd be surprised what hot water can do.

Books: I am a huge fan of the For Dummies series. My hesitation is that you mentioned that book is 20 years old, and I suspect some thinking has changed in 20 years.

Finally, and most importantly, we love pics so please get with it and post some!! [emoji2][emoji2]

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I use dawn dish soap with water for grease. I clean the cages with a Thyme based disinfectant but many people use vinegar and any residue from that is safe :)

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Re: Free resource for bird Q&A - responses by vets

Yes, I'm so glad I found this site! As far as pics go, will have to be through the cage or now because he does NOT want to step up (he knows perfectly well how). I'm trying to use positive reinforcement and to give him some time to get acclimated so I don't want to make him.

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