Geordie is a Man's Parrot.


New member
Sep 26, 2011
Stitch the Blue Crown Conure
Hey everyone! I wanted to give an update and solicit feedback from some Poi Pros. We've had G. for about 5-6 weeks now, and he's doing great. He's got his big cage with loads of stuff in it and spends several hours a day outside of it, either on top or with us in some sort of hanging out fashion. He'll come out of the cage easily when I request a step-up or on his own, and we've all fallen into a routine. he chatters and makes vocalizations. His wings were clipped but he's quite a strong flyer still-- next time I take him in I'm going to ask about it. But it's definitely taken him down several notches-- he won't be escaping to warmer climates any time soon. but he can get pretty far-- had a scare last week when he got spooked outside and flew a block away-- THANK GOD a neighbor was right there where he landed and knew who he was. I was looking in my next-door neighbors yard frantically, and had no idea how far he had gone.

The only sad part for me is that he seems deeply oriented toward males. As my husband gets more attached to him and interacts more, the more irritable Geordi becomes with me. He won't let me near him when he's on my husband; I watch with envy as he snuggles under his chin and lets himself be scratched. Don't get me wrong-- I MELT when this happens, and love watching, but darn it, I want to snuggle too! I fear this may never happen. And he's likely to step right onto male guests if they're interested, regardless of age.

Rumor is that this was Geordi's original downfall with his 1st home-- disliked the female in the household. There may have been some overt aggression, I'm not sure; I'm wondering if that may be prevented by the fact that I take care of his food and watering and cleaning needs? Because generally speaking he's not been that way with me. I'm always kind and loving toward him; his grouchiness doesn't make me love him less. His second household was a male couple, and apparently it took a long time for him to start preferring one over the other, at which point there was some aggression, plus a general avoidance by both men due to the grouchiness of the bird compared to their other much more engaging and playful birds.

So, I think this is hard-wired at this point, no? What does the forum think?

(and, don't tell my husband, but if this keeps up indefinitely, I just see it as an excuse for me to get a baby GCC down the road and basically not let either of them near it for several months so I am its primary person and not leave any of this sexist male-preferring up to chance!)

Cheers everyone
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i hate to say this, but nut is the same, she was all for me at the start, but she is a mans parrot! even my son whoes voice has finally dropped and has gotten taller, she is more playfull with, with me i am the caretaker/maid lol

but don't give up i do have rare moments with the nut when she is all playfull an snuggly, but i always let her make the 1st move, as when i do i normally end up with a nip
I've read, and heard, that this can happen during those seasonal changes when hormones are in full effect. It's that time here at our house, so maybe Geordie will settle once her hormones settle and go back to loving you all :) I hope so!
I would just respect the birds's space... Don't force yourself on her, and keep on loving her.. Even if you get a second bird, you cannot be sure that it won't bond to your husband as well.
So, I think this is hard-wired at this point, no? What does the forum think?


Definitely nope. Show the bird constant love and tenderness and it will bond to you completely. Most parrots have a 'favorite person' but my Senegal will let ANYBODY pet/hold him with absolutely zero issues. He even lived in another city with his former breeder for 2 years when I was sick and he came back to live with me and it was like he never missed a beat. Reconnected with me instantly. We used to speak on the phone when he was away and he would make the whistle we have between eachother on the phone. Birds do not forget. They are incredibly smart with a very long memory and a strong ability to hold a grudge. Some hate certain actions, people, places. Eventually they get over it. Give him a chance as they are one of the most wonderful pets you can ask for.

Is this bird male? It may be that it likes other males as company. If it is female it may have a sexual attraction to the man of the house. It happens. Amazon parrots for instance are known to fall in love with women with luxurious blond hair.

They like sweetly voiced compliments. "What a pretty bird! You have such nice feathers!" goes a long way. My sen understands what that means and will fluff and preen (clean and rezip) his feathers when he hears it. Think of your parrot less as an animal and more like a very tiny strange looking person. He already thinks you're a giant odd looking bird anyways :). You'll get along better.

My friend runs a bird rescue/rehab. I saw a military macaw go from screaming and biting and making people bleed to always cuddling and saying "I LOVE YOU" all the time. Birds are VERY rehab-able. Once they know your only intention will ever be cuddles and providing food and shelter, they will love and respect you. It can take time, or a day. All birds differ.

Do you know the senegal cuddle call? It;s like a high pitched purr. Like "PRRRRRRRRRRRR" but in a high voice and very gently. If you make that cuddle noise near them a lot, and while petting them, it tells them you love them in birdinese.
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He makes that cuddle noise all the time...when my husband walks by him :) But I like the idea of making it back to him-- I'll try that. I didn't really know that it meant something specific-- I have been trying to figure it out. And, Geordi is male.

I'm quite certain that if I was the only human around he would eventually be completely bonded and affectionate with me; however, under the circumstances I believe the situation will remain some version of how it is now, in that he will likely continue to show preference to my husband and to males in general. As I said originally, this doesn't effect my adoration for him and I will continue to treat him with unrequited kindness. I do speak to him all the time and shower him with praise. He is, after all, totally awesome.
It was only recently (and still a work in progress) that our societies got over sexism. It's no surprise that other species have not got the memo yet! ;)
He makes that cuddle noise all the time...when my husband walks by him :) But I like the idea of making it back to him-- I'll try that. I didn't really know that it meant something specific-- I have been trying to figure it out. And, Geordi is male.

I'm quite certain that if I was the only human around he would eventually be completely bonded and affectionate with me; however, under the circumstances I believe the situation will remain some version of how it is now, in that he will likely continue to show preference to my husband and to males in general. As I said originally, this doesn't effect my adoration for him and I will continue to treat him with unrequited kindness. I do speak to him all the time and shower him with praise. He is, after all, totally awesome.

For what its worth my poi stops being my best friend and focuses on flirting with my mom, barfing in her mouth and sometimes trying to 'copulate' with her shoulder, any time she visits even though I'm his dad. Birds are just odd that way. He doesn't NOT like ya, he just gets really excited for someone else.

My dog used to go nuts when she saw my dad but I knew she still loved me.

He makes that cuddle noise all the time...when my husband walks by him :) .

That means your husband is likely his favorite person. Pois always have a favorite. Don't take it personally. I'm not even my own birds favorite my mother is.

Trying to barf in her mouth. Again. She's not a fan but he won't give up going on four years now :p
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I have a Meyers as well and I have to say, he's the same..... He ONLY tolerates men, and loathes women. In fact he goes out of his way to lure and suck a woman in with his cuteness, then viciously attacks them. But, he is my baby-boy.... i can't stay mad at him for long.... =p
You should try dressing and speaking like a man and see if that works.

Let us know the outcome. :smile027:

We can hardly wait to hear what happens. :42:
A lot of birds are this way, and some change allegiances periodically, which can be more confusing for the household!

My Nanday chose me when she was a baby, but had she been older, I've no doubt she would have chosen a man. She flirts shamelessly with most of them. I had the electric company here yesterday moving the electric lines to the new poles they just put up. She was trying to flirt with them even though they were outside, lol! She loves me, and she behaves for women, but it's obvious she prefers men. If one were to say, "Hey, baby, wanna come home with me?", I expect she might say, "Ok" and go off with him!

Conures in general though aren't as bad about this as some other species. It could be a perfect excuse to get that GCC!

The previous owner of my Amazon was sure he preferred men, but he seems very happy with me. Now maybe if there was a man in my household I would find out otherwise. He hasn't been here long, so we will see what happens when a guy comes to visit.
I gave up on being number one. Ever since I took a two day vacation, Kito has fallen in love with my husband. Any time he walks near the cage and clucks at her she starts up that wacky throw-up head bob and just goes nuts!
Well, we had a male visitor today when a neighbor stopped over. Pete, the Amazon, didn't act afraid nor like he wanted to make friends either. He was just sort of interested.

But, after the neighbor left, he was making his angry yelling sound. So I'm not sure what that means yet. I don't know if he was mad that the neighbor left, or that I let him in in the first place!

I guess I'll have to wait until someone is here longer to get a take on whether he's really a man's bird.

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