Giggles Adventures


Nov 30, 2018
Giggles - Red Crowned Kakariki
Today was an exciting day. When I get up first thing I do is take Giggles cover off her cage. Say Hello and talk to her before doing other morning routine stuff.
I was doing some work on the computer when all of a sudden I heard flapping and see a little Giggles fly past. Thinking WTF how did you get out. Normally her freefly time will be in the afternoons.
There are little grates on her cage covering up the wholes where the food and water dish go. She managed to knock one off and escape. Flying to her fav perch which is on top of the fridge. So I went and talked with her. Put some fresh food out for her. She would start flying around and talking. I think She was talking to the chickens out the back window more then she was me.

So I started to fill the sink with water, she came over to look, so apparently it was bath time as well. She had a nice little bath. I put a lil yellow rubber duck in there to float around with her. She ignored it comlpetely. Nipped at my fingers a few times. Before deciding she is clean and off she goes to splash water every where.

We let her fly around and use some of her engery, she always seems to have so much of it.

Another place she likes to sit is on top of the large mirror in the living room. It is hanging on the the wall. Even though my husband doesn't like it much, because below the mirror is the mantle to the fireplace. Giggles seems to poop alot, on the mantle is a collection of pipes my husband owns, he puts his nicest ones there. prolly 40 or so different pipes there. Quite a few of them have been pooped on :54: So now apparently I have to clean then, and he has to check them before he even thinks bout smoking them :18:

For the last 4 years there has been a little cardboard cow that sits on top of the mirror. When Giggles started sitting up there she also noticed the cow, went for a little look. We thought oh look Giggles likes the cow, she has a friend... Not long after she would pick the poor cow up and drop it down. If the cow got put back on the mirror Giggles could drop it down around and again. She doesn't like cows. :green1:

In the pictures you will see Giggles Sitting on the cow... And how the cow now has a few battle scars


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Oct 27, 2013
U2-Poppy(Poppy lives with her new mommy, Misty now) CAG-Jack, YNA, Bingo, Budgie-Piper, Cockatiel-Sweet Pea Quakers-Harry, Sammy, Wilson ***Zeke (quaker) Twinkle (budgie) forever in our hearts
I knew from your first post that Giggles was a delightful little character. I had to laugh at your poor husband's pipe collection, my son also collects pipes, he's very picky, he keeps his pipes in a part of our home the parrots never have access too, I can't imagine how he'd react to bird poop on his pipes. I have a feeling your husband may be as fond of Giggles as you are, just not quite ready to admit it.


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Apr 14, 2015
Amy a Blue Front 'Zon
Jonesy a Goffins 'Too who had to be rehomed :-(

And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
Just look at the eyes on the poor cow,as it looks like giggles is trying know! :rolleyes: ;) :p



Nov 30, 2018
Giggles - Red Crowned Kakariki
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Allee He loves her, just not the poop. He enjoys her talking sounds as well and watching her fly. He admits it, might jokingly deny it at times to other people and how to females here out number him now. Me, Giggles plus Shades and Buckfast (out chicken hens) To males, Hubby, Hoff (rabbit) and Chickadee (Rooster) Chickadee turned out to be a Chickadoo, we thought he was a hen when we got him
Plus sometimes it seems like Giggles back talks, like we might be playfully arguing about something silly, then Giggles gets in the last word. That is always fun.

AmyMyBlueFront.. Looked like that to us too... Until we realized the poor cow is being tortured.:green1:


Nov 30, 2018
Giggles - Red Crowned Kakariki
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Today I woke up barely able to move. A lot of mornings can e like that with my back. So I crawled out of bed, crawled to the stair case and I used them to stand up. When I was down stairs I moved Giggles cage next to the couch so I could still spend time with her while I was on the couch til my back felt better.

Giggles started getting very restless in her cage she walks all around the bottom looking out of the cage biting the bottom bars and when that fails she Climbs up to the top and along all the walls looking out. A lot og the time to the ceiling, hangs down jumps on her perch and then drops to floor of cage....repeat multiple times. Sometimes I am sure it is her playing. Other times I think she is just restless and wants out. Depends on how her behavior is at the time of doing these things.

So after a while when my back was better I was sitting in the kitchen I had returned her cage to her normal spot and then I opened the door so she could come out for a little while.

I was making home made custard in the kitchen, after I had put some water in to the sink. Giggles flew past me. Sat on the self above the sink. I hadn't even splashed the water in the sink yet, but she was looking at me as if t say "Hurry up it's bath time I want a bath" Because she never sits on the that self.

So I stopped what I was doing and went over to splash water she got in for her daily bath. When she was done she flew off getting water everywhere... So apparently I had a bit of a bath too.

After the bath she sat on the back window and was talking to the chickens for a while and I could continue to make the custard.

After the chickens went to bed, she sat on the books in the living room which we covered with a tea towel. Otherwise she tries to eat the books, and my hubby loves his books. She sometimes sits on there and rolls up corners of the towel and sometimes bites it etc.

But just now I think she was trying to tell us she was hungry, she just started out of the blue flying over to us then go back to where she was perched. Repeated this about 10 times. Then circled the room a few times before going back to her Perch so we caught her and put her in her cage. She went strait to her seeds.



Nov 30, 2018
Giggles - Red Crowned Kakariki
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Giggles has started flying around more and more. She watches me and sometimes walks back and forth like she wants to come over to me but doesn't.
She is still scared of hands. If hands come in her cage she sometimes freaks still. But every time I talk to her calmly and go slowly. I can get my hand close to her while holding her red food bowl and when she has a bath and I splash her. But hoping progress is still being made.
Today she flew over t o me and flew into the side of my head then flew back to the other side of the room.
She responds more to my whistling and other times completely ignores me.
Still hope she gets over the fear of hands soon and start realising she wont be grabbed. It helps she goes into her own cage now when it is time to go away I think. So no one will grab her.
I can get her red food bowl and feed her (sometimes without bowl and just use hand) then when I take it away she will go into her cage for a little more food, other times she will sit on the red bowl and i lower it to her open door and she jumps in. Can take about half hour to an hour. I use it as a bonding sesh with her so I wont rush it.

Everyone seems to love Giggles. We have had some visitors and sometimes Giggles has been out. They love it when she starts talking.
At the moment she is on her cage looking at me walking back and forth on the rood "squeeking" her little squeeks at me.:green1:


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May 14, 2016
Cleveland area
The Rickeybird, 40-year-old Patagonian Conure
The ERA OF GIGGLES has begunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nov 30, 2018
Giggles - Red Crowned Kakariki
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Giggles flys around a lot now. When we first got her and allowed her out she would spend most her time on top of the fridge. high up, she could see the world and no one could get her. Now she sits on one of the corners of her cage rood a lot. Makes it easier to spend time with her. I can stand at eye level with her and give her little treats, talk to her, whistle and get close to her.
My husband even has started doing it so he can also get close to her. Would be I would get the closest and she would fly away from him. But since he doesn't need to catch her to put her in the cage any more he can get close to her as well.

Today i managed to touch her chest slightly before she gave my finger a little soft bite (barely a bite) and hopped away. Now when we do some hand training while she is on her cage, she rarely flies away from us and she will just hope to the other side of the cage. Then I will back off and she will go back to her corner.

She flies circles around the room an over our heads alot more too. Sometimes she flies over my head and I can feel her brush past the top of my head. Never landing though.

I can always see her watching me, especially if I am near her cage, she will watch me clean her cage, change her water and food. Soon as her food goes back in and my hands out of the cage she heads strait for it.

Or if she see's the red bowl I use to help hand feed her, she never takes her eyes off it. (sounds like all she does it eat but she doesn't)

Giggles even started playing with the cat toy we got her. Every now and then all you will hear is little cat bell sounds from her cage. Unless Giggles stand up to look out if she is on the bottom of the cage you wont see her untill you look down in it. The bottom plastic bit of the cage is just slightly taller then her.

At night when I put her Blanket on her cage, she watches me. I hold the blanket up and she looks at it, and once the blanket is up she will go sit on her perch for sleep (it isnt even light blocking) but it blocks most not all light. She seems to stay there all night til it comes off in the morning.

Quite often when we are on the couch you can see Giggles watching us, we whistle (mostly when I whistle) she will til her head, look at me, watch me, sometimes she will from to the front of the roof on her cage and just sit and watch, sometimes squeaking at me ( she is like my own squeaky toy) Of she will jump onto the mantle next to her cage and it looks like she wants to come over to us, sometimes she will fly over then fly back to her cage. She knows we wont hurt her but still cant touch her yet.


Nov 30, 2018
Giggles - Red Crowned Kakariki
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Well Giggles has come a long way in the last month. We can feed her by hand, she doesn't run away when we put our hands near her as long as we don't touch her. She jumps on us more though, with the incentive of her fave seed. She even has come to me a few times without seed but she never stays long.
When we have a seed she will jump on us take it and run.

She likes being more social with us and makes sure she can see us. Sometimes when I sit on the couch and it looks like she is looking to come over but she still wont sit with us yet. Can't keep feeding her seeds to hang out or she will be one chubby birdy.

Hubby even has started bonding with her, he puts his face near and she will walk over to him and nip? at his nose and kinda rub his nose on her beak and vise versa. She doesn't really do the nose thing with me, I have tried. She normally just stares at me as if to say WTF you doing....

I feel really bad, in the evening we have a lamp on instead of the room lights and we chase her off it every time she goes to sit on the lamp. The other evening she sat on it and I was a lone with her so I had to get up. But because of my disability it can sometimes takes me a moment to get up, specially in the evening when my body is my tired. She burnt her tail feathers. Only slightly singed. At least the lamp is only on while we are home, in the room.

Giggles even knows how to get our attention when she wants attention like flying st our faces, stopping and turning around. She does that a lot.

People don't understand when they visit she doesn't know them she wont get as close to them as she does with hubby and me. Can be amusing to watch. They will try and hand feed her after seeing out I do it and she comes right up to me. Then when they try doing exact same thing she will fly away to one of her other spots around the room. Sometimes ending her flight with hr Giggles, sounding like she is taunting them. She use to do that with us when we first got her and tried to spend time with her, she would just fly away and laugh.... I think loosely translated to "ner ner ner ner"

I use to be a nanny so sometimes hubby uses that against me, playfully. Like stealing my nose, he just did that and ran away, so I pointed at him and said "giggles poop" Strait away she flew from her cage, it was like a wow she listened moment... then flew above me and I was like don't poop on me!!!!

Why have I never had a bird before? She is such a character...:green1:


Nov 30, 2018
Giggles - Red Crowned Kakariki
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Giggles making a lot of process lately. She explores everything, all different places. Being more active. She now likes to go under the kitchen table. It has 2 draws one on either side. She likes to try and get in the draws? there is enough space to fit her head and that is all.

I was given a bunch of white roses the other day. Giggles loves them too, found her the other day trying to eat them. Taking off the leaves and petals. So bits of roses went everywhere. So now everything I have now belongs to Giggles. She can be quite amusing.

My husbands rabbit is now getting quite frisky. When he does, he loves feet... With his foot fettish. So I was sitting in front of Giggles cage in my wheelchair and the rabbit (Hoff) was biting my feet/socks (not rally hard and I think it like foreplay to him) so I was pushing him away with my feet and Giggles was watching. Giggles was sitting on her cage then started flying to me landing on me for a little watching Hoff and going back to her cage.

Giggles doesn't get scared by Hoff, he doesn't even get bothered that she is around. He might go up to her when she in on the floor and sniff her, and she goes up to him and kinda hangs around a little. Quite cute when they are sitting together. But seems like Giggles enjoys watchin Hoff too, sometimes sitting on his cage when he is in there or they hang out under the coffee table or kitchen table.

I would love to make Hoff a saddle and teach her to ride him around. She hasn't landed on him only near him then hope over to him. She has never shown fear towards him. Unlike our chickens who will try and get away from the rabbit any way they can. But Hoff loves to chase them around the garden.:green1:


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Parrot of the Month 🏆
Mar 20, 2017
Everett, WA
Bumble - Pacific (or Celestial) Parrotlet hatched 02/19/17
Sounds like you’re making great progress with her! Have you thought about target training? With her willingness to be bribed by seeds, she’d have it down in no time, and the training really helps to build trust.

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Nov 30, 2018
Giggles - Red Crowned Kakariki
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Giggles has settled into the new cage we got her. She seems more contempt when she is in during the day. The cage has a lot more room for her and in the other cage during the day when we couldn't let her out. She would constantly make her self known being the loudest she would. walking all around the bottom of the cage, being extremely active trying to find a way out. Only enjoyed being in there when she would go to sleep.

It is more difficult to get her into this cage, but we are working on a new routine. The door is only at the front she enjoyed her side door on the last cage. She would use the front door as an exit and the side as an entry to her cage. We may put in a side door in this cage. She has a few more perches and a swing (she hasn't used the swing) but she enjoys jumping from perch to perch. I don't think she feels so trapped in this cage.

I am still making progress with Giggles. I sometimes need to herd her with my hand, without grabbing her I will move my hand behind her and lead her in the direction I wish her to go, sometimes if she doesn't she will end up on my hand or arm for a few minutes before flying off.

She hasn't spoken again since her one Hey. But she still answers me when I call to her. When I say Giggles or Hey she will start replying which is a great help when she is out of the cage and I am not sure where she went.

Still a mind of her own though. She makes it known that she will do what she wants, if she knows she isn't suppose to do it, she will be quite, but once she is caught, she will continuously chirp....

If she is up high where she is not suppose to be, I will sometimes use my walking stick to lead her down. Now once I grab that and she knows she not suppose to be there she will move. Helps if she manages to fly into the laundry because I cant reach her or into a cupboard I cannot reach when the doors open. Because my legs don't work right I can't safely stand on things so the stick helps. I never hit her with it and she isn't scared of it. (half the time I have to gently nudge her with the stick before she moves) or if I am using the stick to aid in my walking she doesn't run from it, sometimes she even hops around on the floor following me. Never walks, she is always jumping around.

She is spending more and more time on the floor now. Often after a bath she would fly to the safety of her cage and sit on the roof for a while. Now after a bath she often flies to the ground and finds somewhere to chill for a while. If the rabbit is out she will sit under the table with him.

When I try and get her to try new foods, the only way she will try them is if I put them on top of the cage near where she often sits. If in her cage or anywhere else she will ignore it or wont go anywhere near that part of the cage. If it is a treat that she likes, she will start nipping at my fingers to tell me to back off. She isn't food aggressive and only does gentle bites. Unlike when we first got her and she broke skin. It is more my fingers are in the way of her getting her treat. She even sometimes shares treats with the rabbit when he is out. fruit and vege, altho she has to be quick or he eats fast.

Hoff the rabbit barely notices Giggles, he will sometimes go and sniff her but that is it, she sometimes follows him around, sits with him. He has never chased her (he always chases and follows the chickens when he is outside) She can sometimes be seen just perched somewhere watching him.

Last year when I got approved to live in the Netherlands I was given plants, so one is in the window she sometimes flies to the window and looks around when she is sure no one is watching she will bite off some of the leaf and quickly fly back to her cage to eat it... cant remember what pant is called but isnt poisioness.

New perch, so we have our bike pump in the living room at the moment and it is front of the window. Giggles found it to be a nice perch, on nice days she will sometimes sit on it (it is a stand up one) and watch the world outside. Where I am the house is next to the footpath and no front yard (i do miss having a front yard) and if someone walks past she wil fly away from the window. She is fine when cars drive past, long as there are not to many. One car she will watch, 2 cars puts her on alert and 3 cars she will fly away if they come too close together.

The poop is the major issue. Because I have balance issues when I walk I often touch furniture as I walk, my husband has his chair where she mostly lands and ends up pooping. I know she does this multiple times a day but without fail I touch it, fresh and wet.... Always in the same spot, so having to wash my hands and the chair multiple times a day get s a little annoying... But hey it is what birds do. She is my little poop machine.:green1:

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