Good out of cage time??


New member
Apr 22, 2011
Maine, USA
Sprite the cinnamon green cheek conure.
I know I posted this before but my schedule has changed.
Monday-About 3 hours and mins of out of cage time.
Tuesday-About 5 hours (birdy day!!!)
Wednesday-'bout 3 hours
Thursday-Only about 1 1/2 hours :(
Friday-Probably the same or similar to Tuesday.
Saturday and Sunday-Not sure but probably a lot (6 hours a day ish)

Would this be good or should my mom take him/her out during school?? My cage is w24xh27xw20. Will he be a happy birdie? :)


New member
Jun 27, 2011
Chika, my green cheek conure. She is my first bird.
During school, my green cheek conure is 1-2 hours of out of cage time during the week and 10+ on the weekends and she's very happy (some of this time she spends inside her cage with the door open so I guess she likes it in there). I change out her toys every 3-4 days but leave in whatever she plays with the most. I provide lots of foraging and shredding opportunities as well. Her cage is approximately 2 feet by 2 feet by 3 feet tall.


New member
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
Hahn's Macaw and a
Maroon Belly Conure
Yes that's a nice bit of time to spend with your bird. I'm afraid not many even get that much one on one time with their owners, so good job!

My birds get every moment of my time that I'm home. They just sit on my shoulder or sit perched on something a few feet away as i go about my day around the house. They ride in the car with me and go to the store on errands, etc. I do put them in their cage for a short time periodically throughout the day so they can primp, eat, drink, etc and they seem to like to spend some time in there anyways.


New member
Apr 13, 2011
my kids are out 90 % of the day and they love it and Im usually home all day unless it is my hubbys day off and then we go somewhere and they stay in their cage most of that day . But every day other than when we go somewhere they are out and they are happy . I dont like seeing birds caged all the time . I think that is horrible and the birds get no exercise then and i once saw an electus that did not know it had wings because she was so cage bound she could not fly . she was physcologically damaged a shame really . Oh boy did I get off topic sorry .

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